Surely this is the truth.

However, as the student 07 president, Xiao Zuo naturally has to perform the duties of the student president.

Protect students and create a better campus environment for students.

And Naoi Britto is a guy who is in the process of destroying the peace of the campus. Naturally, he cannot be tolerated.

The chorus is very clear.


"But there is a problem that needs to be solved."

Ye Shenyue tried to pull out her big legs, but Naoi Wenren's two arms were very tight, and Yagami's movement could drag him up.


Zade looked at him strangely.

"Give me your hand."


The girl's hand is stretched out, but her curiosity also rises at the same time.

Bai Nen's little hand was placed in Ye Shenyue's palm.

Xiao Zhan's hands are very white, tender and small, and they are very cute.


Ye Shenyue wanted to say that it wasn't holding hands, but everyone's hands were stretched out, so there's nothing wrong with pulling it.

The hand that held Xiao Zade's heartbeat actually accelerated faintly.


Yashenyue coughed twice to conceal her feelings at the moment, and then grabbed Xiao Zana's hand to the thigh that was hugging him and said again, "Please trample me, try your best~" The meaning of Naoi literati's chest was brushed off.

To the chest?

Zade's reflexes were very good, and she immediately figured out where her palm was about to land.

She looked up at Ye Shenyue, and there was no strange expression on Ye Shenyue's face, so it wouldn't be like the strange Naoi literati wanted her to do strange things.

In other words.

Or do I have to touch Naoi literati's chest?

Xiao Zade's hand paused for a while and then obeyed Ye Shenyue's strangeness and finally landed firmly on Naoi Literati's chest.

"How do you feel?" Ye Shenyue's question came from the girl's ear.

"A little hard, but a little soft."

The girl who can't lie responded earnestly.

"Sure enough, Xiao Zou, do you understand?"


The girl was still confused, she didn't understand what Ye Shenyue asked her to do to touch Naoi Wenren's chest.

"Naoi literati, he is actually a girl."

Ye Shenyue shook her head and debunked the truth. "Perhaps pretending to be a boy is to experience things that you haven't experienced before."

The Naoi literati in Yagami's memory about Naoi literati most of the time wears pants because it is more convenient to wear trousers to make pottery, but at the beginning, she was wearing a skirt!

Wearing a skirt while playing alone in a dark room!

She started out as a little girl!

Then put on the pants.

Coupled with the touch of the other party's close contact just now, it has proved everything.

Boys' breasts will not be soft and hard.

The soft thing is that the girl is hard bandages. The black school uniform doesn't hold her chest up, it's probably because she's wearing a corset or a bandage.

If she hadn't noticed that the other party was a girl, Ye Shenyue, she wouldn't have let her hold her.

However, Xiao Zade's pure eyes widened slightly and then stunned, she pressed her hand on Naoi Litero's chest again.

"It's really a girl."

"But if the literati were girls then the current situation..."

The chairman's attention was focused on Yashenyue and Naoi literati. The literati at this moment continued to hold their thighs.

"It's not good for this."

Xiao Zou nodded, not knowing whether he was talking about Naoi literati's image or Ye Shenyue's image was not good.

The scene of one vice president holding another vice president's thigh and making an unexplainable request in his mouth, once seen, then... the prestige of the student union will definitely drop greatly.

"I remembered that the "Hypnosis Encyclopedia" I saw also contained hints to release the hypnotic state. It seems to be a password to give a strong hint."

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