"Concentrate and let the other person follow your mind and then get suggestion. This is the trick of hypnosis. The same trick of contact hypnosis is suggestion, but it's a deeper suggestion than 803 hypnosis."

"That is to say, to control the other party's thoughts and then use the password to restore her?"

Ye Shenyue touches and touches her chin. "It's easy to control her, but what if it's a password?"

"Naoi literati big idiot?"

"Become algae!"

"Become a flea!"

"Or something else?"

Ye Shenyue thought about all kinds of strange spells without discipline.Xiao Zou on one side finally couldn't stand it any longer.

"Naoi literati is a girl after all, it doesn't seem very good to use such a strange spell."

"Then what spell came up with Zona?"

"Mapo tofu."


Ye Shenyue was almost speechless, is it really possible to use her favorite food?

"Then you can also boil the fish."

"Mapo tofu."

Miss Angel made a suggestion with an expressionless face.

"Boiled fish is actually..."

"Mapo tofu."

Miss Angel, however, continued to make suggestions.

"Mapo tofu."

"Okay, let's just mapo tofu, mapo tofu, Naoi literati."

ps: Kneeling and begging for flowers for the new book.

Chapter 0010 People are not girls (kneeling to subscribe)

Mapo tofu.

The neatly cut tofu, the tofu that was poured with boiling oil but not greasy at all, and the tofu that was irrigated with hot chili sauce but had a dazzling luster.

Oh, mapo tofu.

It turns out that Mapo tofu is so delicious.

Delicious mapo tofu!

"Hmm... Where's that kind of tofu that's so delicious!"

The image of the delicious Mapo tofu in his mind disappeared instantly, and Naoi literati's eyes suddenly returned to their original color.

Then he noticed Yagami Yue who was standing and looking at the scenery.

Naoi literati suddenly remembered that he was going to hypnotize the other party.

However, she remembered that the hypnotism seemed to have been performed, but why was the other party still looking at the scenery so calmly!

"Hmph, Lord Yeshenyue, just obediently lick the soles of my feet..."

The corners of Naoi literati, who stood up touching his head, raised his mouth, pushed the black hat on top of his head, showing a proud look, "I'll let you know what an ordinary vice-chairman should do."

"What should the vice president do?"

"Of course it's bullying ordinary people... um... President, why are you here!"

Naoi literati Shun-shun's answer was only halfway through that he discovered something was wrong first.

Then I saw a pair of pale yellow, pure and deep eyes.

These eyes looked at her quietly, showing a vague sense of impatience.

Terrible things are bound to happen.

Such a feeling suddenly rose in the vice president's heart.

"It appeared when you came out."

Ye Shenyue silently answered Naoi literati in her heart, but Ye Shenyue noticed Xiao Zha raising her head slightly, her eyes slightly sharp, "When you were talking about Mapo Tofu."

"Mapo tofu? That's super spicy... not tasty at all... um..."

Naoi literati's voice stopped abruptly and then stared blankly at Xiao Zao and her outstretched hand and the outstretched "Sonic Hand Knife" Xiao Zou didn't mean to hurt others, so most of the weapons developed according to AnglePlayer were defensive weapons, but Although it is a "Sonic Hand Sword" used for defense, it is not impossible to "barrel" directly forward, and Naoi literati was directly stabbed by Xiao Kan.

There was blood in the stomach.

Naoi literati squatted down holding his stomach in pain.

"President, you...why..."

It has been almost a year since Fumito Naoi became the vice president. After a year of getting along with him, he didn't think that the small concert would be the kind of person who directly stabs people, and, "What if you kill me! I'm an NPC! "

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