"Normal NPCs won't say that they are NPCs, so you should give up the cover up Naoi."

Ye Shenyue was powerless to complain, whether it was Xiao Zou's sudden attack or Naoi literati's brain twitching.

Xiao Zou-chan is the kind of person who will not let you go back as long as you ask to be shot by the barrel immediately, and Yagami Yue has a deep memory of this.

And just now Naoi literati directly insulted Xiaozao's favorite Mapo tofu. Isn't that just looking for a soy?

Xiao Zou didn't know how to slap her hands, so her body subconsciously used the "Sonic Hand Knife" "What do you mean, I'm just an ordinary vice president, take me to the hospital quickly, it's okay if you can't do it in the infirmary."

The expression on Naoi's face was slightly stiff and he continued to pretend to be an NPC.

"Let's just open the skylight and say something bright, Naoi literati, you are a human after death and enter this world. People who have died will not die."

Ye Shenyue is making good words for Xiao Zou, which makes Naoi Literati think that the reason why she will be played by Xiao Zou is actually Xiao Zao testing her, because a dead person will not be even if her body is divided into countless parts Then it will return to its original state in a very short period of time.

If she recovers then it cannot be denied that she is dead.


Naoi literati was silent.

Then he smiled.

Slowly get up from the ground.

"President, you are abusing lynching."

The stomach recovered quickly, but the pain was still vaguely there, and Naoi literati, whose identity had been exposed, gave a wry smile. "It hurts."

"No, I'm just proving you're human."

However, the president shook his head and didn't mention that this was revenge for Mapo Tofu. He just added, "Other ordinary students who were bullied by you will also feel the pain."

"They're different, they're just NPCs."

However, Naoi literati shook his head vigorously, "We are different from them."

"What do you want to say?"

Kono felt that Naoi literati had something to say.

"After my observation, once I obey the president's arrangement to have a pleasant campus life, it will disappear, maybe reincarnation. But I don't want to disappear like this, so I resisted the pleasant campus life, so I chose to be a Bad student."

"That is, bullying ordinary people?"

"No no no, I can't say that, I rarely hit them directly, it's all I use hypnotism and let them hit themselves... eh... wait... Speaking of hypnotism... I remember I've... …”

Naoi literati suddenly stayed where he was.

Yes, she was unhappy that Ye Shenyue suddenly appeared and split half of her power, then prepared to hypnotize the other party and take revenge.

but now.


It is a pleasure to have a conversation with each other!

Naoi literati held his head in his hands and showed a shocked and horrified expression, "It's still your hypnotism on me..."


"Huh?" "Your hypnotism doesn't work for me—the vice-chairman who knows nothing but hypnotism."

Ye Shenyue showed a smile that was undoubtedly a devilish smile in Naoi literati's eyes.

Not at all sunny!

"Wait...let me think about it, let me think about it."

Naoi Fumito clutched her chest and tried hard to recall what happened before. She remembered that she seemed to have performed hypnotism vaguely and her brain suddenly became very painful.

Could it be that... hypnosis is ineffective or even rebounded?

"Still can't figure it out? Mapo tofu!"

Ye Shenyue said the spell of hypnotism all at once.

But Naoi Literati's body suddenly softened at this moment, he immediately fell to the ground and hugged Yagami Yue's thigh like a puppy.

Showing a craving for all kinds of strange play.


Although Yashenyue played tricks on Naoi literati, she chose to watch it because Naoi literati made an insulting play to the Mapo Tofu just now.

However, she seemed to think that watching was too much, so she looked at the window outside, watching the students run on the playground again.

"Mapo tofu."

Naoi literati was too tight to break free, and Ye Shenyue immediately hypnotized Naoi literati.

The memory just now entered my mind.

"Depend on!"

The restored Naoi literati sat decadently on the ground.

ps: I have been suffering from dystocia for the past few days, and it really is that my love is not deep enough.

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