Naoi, who had already confirmed that Xiao Zao's favorite food was Mapo tofu, and that he couldn't get tired of eating it, he immediately thought that if Xiao Zao was going back for a full meal, it seemed that Mapo tofu would be the one he could order.

"It's Mapo Tofu. If you don't want to go, you can go to the dormitory first."

Ye Shenyue said impolitely, although he could make Mapo tofu himself, but he didn't want Naoi literati to see Xiao Zao grabbing his hand (in fact, it was covered with mapo tofu) and then containing it. Scenes.

I go back alone?

Naoi literati paused for a moment and then stayed.

"Hey—wait for me...we're a group anyway, what if I get caught?"

Naoi literati immediately chased after him, just like what Yagami said before, she seemed to have nothing to do except hypnotize.Now there is no ordinary person to hypnotize her, so what will she do if people from the afterlife world frontline appear to besiege her?


The retreating after-death world warlords held an urgent meeting.

"Today's meeting is like what everyone has seen. We have to have a good discussion about the boy named Yeshenyuejun."

Putting the white beret on Yuri directly turned on the projector, and then transferred the information of Yagami and displayed it in front of everyone.

"Not only did he not accept us, but he also directly joined the angel's camp! The challenges we face next are too arduous!"

"We saw him construct the weapon directly. Just like the angel."

"That is to say, the enemy has changed from one to two, which is equivalent to fighting two angels?"

The quick-talking Hinata said it.

"It has been determined that this is the case. Although he has not shot yet, it does not mean that the other party is not threatening."

Supplementary reasons.


A team member added. "The first time I followed Yuri to besiege that guy, he was surrounded by so many people and he didn't even show any signs of fear."

"Indeed. But I'm not afraid of him."

Noda, Yuri's iron plate supporter, responded without hesitation. "As long as he wants to hurt Yuri, then I won't let him go!"

"It's superficial."

Standing in the corner as usual, Shiina complained while wearing a gray scarf that was only used in winter.In the same way, the gentlemen who have been accustomed to being complained did not pay attention to her.

"Then what are we going to do? One angel is enough and another! It's a hassle! Let's kill him sooner!"

The pink-haired girl who is not afraid of the chaos in the world said while eating potato chips.

The tall and strong boy who was called Panasonic fifth dan by the team members waved his fist, "If I must fight, I think I need to practice for a while and then deal with him after learning. I'm still not enough."

An angel has already made the scalps of the kings of the post-mortem world numb, and now another one is more difficult to deal with, so Matsushita Wudan immediately chose the strategy of making himself stronger and then dealing with the enemy.

"We need to strengthen our force. But this matter is postponed first. After all, our 380 didn't really hurt them, which means that there is still a chance to flip."

"That is to say, that Ye Shenyue has to be reversed?"

"Of course if you can."

Yuri touched his chin, "First, Yeshenyue-jun is now the vice president of the student council. If we win over, we will gain a lot of benefits. It's more cost-effective than attracting ordinary people."

"And, secondly..."

Yuri raised her second finger, "It's been less than a week since Yeshen Yuejun appeared in this world. Even though he has joined the angel's camp, he has not yet established a deep friendship."

"And thirdly, and most importantly, how can angels capture humans? What does she have? What can she offer? She is the enemy of all humans who enter this world!"

"And we can't possibly lose!"


After Xn Dangyuri finished speaking, the momentum of the crowd immediately rose. Yes, the angels are so bad and always want them to disappear. This is their enemy!

What can an angel who is always alone have to offer?

They are... but the companions of mankind!


"But how to win over?"

Hyuga asked the most concerned question.

ps: Well, please subscribe.

Chapter 0015 Under the discussion on Ye Shenyue's sexual orientation (two more kneeling and begging to subscribe)

How to win over?

How to make the other party understand that joining an angel is stupid?

How to... how to get the other party to join you?

If Ye Shenyuejun grabbed a person with the same ability as an angel and then dealt with the angel, it must be a wonderful thing!

But how?

This is really a problem.

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