"It's superficial."

Seeing that everyone didn't speak, Shiina-san, who continued to hold her shoulders and stood in the corner, said calmly, "It's not easy to win over someone, of course it's to do what you want."

However, when she finished speaking, there was a strong and long silence.

Everyone turned to look at her.


Shiina's half-closed, contemptuous eyes opened, a little unaccustomed to the gaze of so many people.

Because it is usually ignored.

"Because Shiina usually just says it's superficial, I didn't expect to say anything else."

Yuri said as a leader.

"And still such constructive words!"

Hyuga also added.

"What happened to everyone today? Did you take a drug that will make you smarter? All of them have said such reasonable things!"

Not afraid of death, covering her lips with one hand, the petite little girl with long pink hair cried out in surprise.


Everyone was silent for a while and then looked at Yui Yui, obviously feeling strongly dissatisfied with being called an idiot by an idiot.

"Cough cough, concentrate."

In the end, Yuri took the lead in changing the subject. If they were allowed to discuss the topic of idiots and idiots, it would be dark. "What we are discussing now is whether Yeshenyuejun's doing what he likes."

"It must be something to eat!"

Yui proposes to eat potato chips.

"No, I think it's a woman!"

"Oh... it seems normal, after all, they are all male high school students who are physically and mentally sound."

"If that's the case, then... um, maybe we can get a girl with a lot of temperament to attract him. For example... What do you think of Iwasawa?"

Yuri looked at Iwasawa.

"I like music, and if he's good at that, I don't mind even getting in touch."

The short-haired girl Iwasawa, who is also the guitarist and vocalist, responded earnestly.

"Well, information about whether Ye Shenyuejun is good at music or not..."

Yuri clicked again on the computer and found that the information collected was just the stated points, names and recent contacts.

"The information in this regard is still very lacking! That's why!"

Yuri paused, "We can only infer it! I don't know if there is any other information."

"I saw with my own eyes that Naoi literati and Yagami Yue hugged through the surveillance of the telescope!"

A player suddenly said.


Immediately provoked a strong response! "Actually hugged together!"

"Although I know that such a person exists, this kind of person...is so close to us!"

"I think it looks like that Naoi literati is actually a special woman if she looks at it seriously, and her white skin is outrageous!"

"Sure enough, I like Xiaoshou!"

In the end, Yuri concluded, "Since you like men, let's send the dignified Hinata first. Well, maybe Dashan can also try it. Dashan also has an extraordinary talent in this regard."

Dashan is a relatively short and delicate red-haired boy.

"Um—Yuri, you're right, you actually want me to go? I... I'm a man!"

Hinata grabbed his blue hair in surprise, "Even if that Yagami is interested in this area, but I...I can't do it! I'm a healthy high school student! I like girls! How can I do it? Let me do that kind of thing!"


Yuri turned around, "You don't want to dedicate yourself? Don't want to do it for all of us?"

When Yuri said that, Hinata noticed that everyone was looking over, the boys' eyes were full of seriousness and the girls' eyes were full of sighs.

It's like treating him like a hero.

Ah, he is a hero.

A hilarious hero.


At this moment, Hyuga is about to cry, these guys are completely dead Taoist friends and not dead poor Taoists!

Perhaps Yuri felt that she had gone too far, and her tone was a little softer, "Don't worry, your current mission is to initially attract Yeshen Yuejun, it's very simple, just make him fall in love with you."

"Is there a sequel!"

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