Although Yuri's tone was good and comfortable to listen to, Hinata could still hear the subtext in it, and immediately called out.

If it was him who attracted Ye Shenyue, then the mission was not over but continued.

Continue to engage in base?

"Don't worry, there are some things, just get used to it."

"Yeah, this important task can only be left to you. Hyuga!"

"Yes, it's you!"

The teammates stepped forward one by one and patted Hinata on the shoulder, but their cheeks were bulging, obviously wanting to laugh and then desperately holding back.

"No... this is too cruel! By the way, Takamatsu is very good, wearing glasses looks so delicate! In fact, Takamatsu is more suitable!"

Hinata saw that even Takamatsu wanted to pat him on the shoulder, "entrust him with the heavy responsibility" and immediately gave birth to wisdom.

Everyone's movements were slightly stagnant.

However, Takamatsu was talking and laughing, pushing his glasses, "I'm not suitable, that Naoi literati is very thin at first glance, and I am..."

Takamatsu said and then quickly unbuttoned the button of his shirt.

Exposing the strong muscles protruding from each block!

"I'm the one who looks thin in clothes! That Yeshenyuejun won't take a fancy to me! So have to work hard!"

"The hope of our entire front is on you!"

Takamatsu smiled, but there was already a slight "blackness" in his smile. It was too much for Hinata to betray him in the end!

"Do not--"

Hyuga resisted, but his resistance was obviously useless, everyone had taken their eyes back and made a scene of going back to each family to find their mothers.

"Then let's go!"

Yuri just decided happily.

Decided the tragic fate of a boy who is handsome and handsome.

"Um—that, Hiro-senpai—"

Dashan, who was also named, looked at the emptied principal's room and then went to Hinata.

Don't forget that this time, there are two men.

There is another small mountain,

Chapter 0016 Unsuccessful male sex (one more kneeling for collection)

In class the next day.

Ye Shenyue felt strange.The sudden rise of the atmosphere is strange.

It's like being stared at suddenly, but the feeling of being stared at is not cold but fiery, that makes the scalp numb and the eyes hurt.

1 class is like this, 2nd class is still like this.

Ye Shenyue finally couldn't bear it anymore and turned her head.

My eyes looked over and I saw blue, blue hair, and then I lightly tapped my hair with one hand and then just like that, um, relaxed with a sunny smile and brushed blue hair.

Showing the appearance of a sunshine boy.

This is a delicate young man, and he also showed a smile with white teeth.

In those eyes, his own figure could be reflected.


Ye Shenyue stood up in disgust.

"Yishenyuejun, what's your dissatisfaction with my class?"

It's still class time and the exemplary NPC teacher, of course, has to get angry, "And Hyuga-san, I've seen you get your hair done three times in a row, don't be so presumptuous even if it's the hair you did last night! This is the class. classroom!"

The teacher is a middle-aged man with an expressionless face, and the head teacher of this class is stricter than other class teachers.

In fact, if he just sees Hinata playing his hair, he won't bark, because the teacher is also tolerant, as long as they don't disturb the class and don't disturb other students, but the current situation is obviously that Hinata is touching his hair and causing a Another student stood up!

"Do not……"

Ye Shenyue sat down with the teacher's approval.

And Hyuga was warned, and Ye Shenyue finally understood that the guy who made Sunshine Boy look like a big gay to himself was originally called Hyuga.

and many more.

This boy seems to have seen it somewhere.

Afterlife World Front!

He is the one inside!

Ye Shenyue's brows suddenly wrinkled, and the people there still haven't given up.Whether it is to fight or fight, a big gay is actually dispatched, such a thing is really looking down on people?

Even if you want to negotiate, you need a girl!

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