Forget it, find that guy to warn him after class.

Touch · touch his chin, Yashenyue has already made a decision.

Sure enough, the vice president who has already taken office has learned to use power.

After thinking about it like this, my heart calmed down, and even Hyuga's continued discharge could be ignored, because Yagami Yue's eyes looked forward.

He sat in the penultimate row of the second group, which was not by the window and couldn't pass the time looking out the window like before.

Eh, why did you say before?

Have you done the same thing before?

Ye Shenyue felt her head hurt again. Could it be that this is something related to his memory?

When she stopped thinking about these things, the pain disappeared again, and Ye Shenyue's eyes focused on the figure in the second row sitting by the window.

It was a girl with silver hair.

Although you can't see the scenery outside, it's good to see the scenery inside.

As an ordinary student, the next life seems a little boring. The teacher's class is like having heard the content of the class N times, and it is completely uninteresting. He doesn't even want to take notes.

But the chorus is different.

She looked up slightly at the silver-haired girl sitting in the second row by the window. The girl was looking up at the teacher and then lowered her head to write notes in the notebook.

No matter what age the children who can keep a diary do not get any worse grades.

The same is true for Xiao Zou, not to mention the first place, but will definitely get the second place.

With beautiful silver hair, clear eyes, and a petite and tender body, Xiao Zhan is really cute.

"What went wrong just now?"

After class, Xiao Zou went to Yeshenyue immediately. It is not appropriate to pass notes during class, but it is fine after class.

"How can I say it, I feel like they're being watched."

Ye Shenyue was a little embarrassed to say, after all, if she said that she was entangled by a beautiful girl, then there must be no strange feeling, but if she said that she was entangled by a gay, it would be true, and it would make others think it was a big deal. Gay!


"The members of the post-death world front, the blue-haired one just now, although they have changed into the same school uniform as us."

When it comes to the school uniform, Ye Shenyue has to complain about Xiao Zuo herself.Her way of distinguishing between humans and NPCs is through school uniforms.

Who told the monarchs of the posthumous world front to always wear fancy clothes?

That is, take off your clothes and don't know you.


His lips curled up slightly, and Xiao Zou responded slowly. "So what are they trying to do? How can I oppose them?"

"It looks like there should be something to talk about, otherwise they won't come directly to our class, and those people don't actually look like vicious people, so they shouldn't have much threatening power."

Ye Shenyue remembered last night, although they had taken out their weapons but they didn't shoot randomly, like children playing around.

"I know. That's why I want to help them."

Xiao Zhan nodded.

Ye Shenyue narrowed her eyes and saw Hyuga who came back from the toilet, touched Xiao Zou's head and walked towards Hyuga.


The student council president put his hand on his head, this feeling is a bit strange... It's actually a bit comfortable.

Is this the Motou depicted in the novel? Even though he is the student council president, Sono also likes to go to the library to read various books.

Like pure love.

It's a pity that Ye Shenyue's mood at the moment is not pure love at all, "You are called Hyuga, right, come out with me."

Then Ye Shenyue saw the body of this young sunshine boy named Hyuga tremble. Was she too excited?Just being talked to and involuntarily excited?

Truly a big guy!

Ye Shenyue once again distanced herself from Hyuga, and when she walked into the corridor, she saw a young man with short red hair. This was a small boy with a thin skin and tender flesh.


how to say.

The boy wore the school uniform unique to the post-mortem world front, and then watched Yagami come over and seemed to make up his mind and clenched his fists.

"Please—please hang out with me!"

The boy's voice was trembling and loud.

Ye Shenyue looked at the left, there was no one on the left, and there was no one on the right.

Then he stepped aside slightly, "Congratulations."

Let Hinata face the small mountain.

"I thought you were gay just now, but I didn't expect you to be gay now. I thought you were eyeing me, but I didn't expect it to be my mistake. I'm really sorry."

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