Ye Shenyue said with a sigh of relief, while Hyuga and Dashan were completely petrified.

If the wind blows without moving, it will completely fall to the ground.


However, at this time, a girl's laughter came, "It's so funny, so funny, Dashan actually confessed to Senior Ritsu, it's so funny... No, I can't laugh anymore..."

A girl with pink hair emerged from the corner, her petite body trembled slightly and was constantly covering her stomach.

ps: Please kneel and beg for flowers for the new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King".Well, it's not for this book but for "Call Me the Demon King", don't make a mistake, although it's great for those who saw this book after the update and also gave flowers...

Chapter 0017 I like girls (two more subscriptions)

ps: Sorry, the scheduled upload has been hung up again and cannot be displayed. This chapter is re-uploaded. I have already subscribed. Sorry, the author will try not to upload it regularly at night. ——"Yuyi, you guy... actually peeking from the side!"

The two petrified people finally recovered when the pink girl appeared.

It was Hyuga who spoke.

"Don't be like this, Senior Ritsu, I was supervised by Yuri's order. I didn't expect you to come to seduce Ye Shenyuejun... I didn't expect you to confess to each other!"

Yui still kept her belly laughing.

Hello, you have already explained the strategy, is there really no problem?

Although the post-death world front is very happy and there are many people, but ah, how can people be so stupid that they can team up with them at ease?

And I heard from them that this is still sex and temptation, 07 "If you still want to pull me into the post-death world front organization, then please stop as soon as possible."

Ye Shenyue made a sound to stop their noise first.

"And I, Ye Shenyue, the vice president of the student union will definitely stop your actions, and go ahead with college life! This is the speech of the vice president."

Yes, he is already the vice president, the second person to make these naughty children go right.

"Ah...isn't this a replica of an angel!"

Oyama and Yui shouted.

"...I'm male. I don't like gay guys so you guys don't bother me. I'll be troubled."

Although it was said that he didn't have any psychological resemblance to Xiao Zao, but he was a little bit overjoyed, but watched the two gay guys perform a "confession" scene, and Ye Shenyue felt that it was better to mention things like gender at any time.


Dashan and Hinata are petrified again.

On the other hand, Ye Shenyue smiled and left, leaving only the petrified two and Xiao Yui.

"What should I do? If the plan fails, I will definitely be punished by Yuri!"

Dashan looked nervous.

"What's this... The problem is that he knows all our plans! Yui, are you an idiot? How can you leak it out?"

Sun Xiang was indignant.

"Ah, is it my fault that male seduction and seduction failed? Well..."

Yui suddenly rushed forward. "If that's the case, then I'll ask him not to know about this so that you can continue to seduce and seduce with male sex."

"Like Yuri said, even if you're not gay, you'll get used to being gay after watching a lot?"

Yui added. "So Senior Ritsu, you should get along well with Dashan!"

After saying that, the two of them became petrified again.

" is this possible!"

Hyuga shouted at Yui, but Naihe had already gone far, and finally had to look at Dashan, "Speaking of Dashan, why did you confess to me just now?"

"Even if you want to confess, you have to do it when I'm not around. It was misunderstood that you confessed to me!"

"Ah...this is actually what Takamatsu said. The best way to catch the other party by surprise is to confess!"

Dashan explained.

"That bastard Takamatsu!"

Sun Xiang scolded.He was immediately alert and thought that it must be because he mentioned Takamatsu in front of Yuri, so Takamatsu avenged his personal revenge in public.


But this time Dashan cried.

"Why are you crying!"

Hyuga feels that the sky is about to fall. What the hell is this? Even if you are treated as gay, you will have to be punished later...


"Wow, people, the first confession is gone, and it's still for boys and seniors..."

"...It's like I have nothing to lose! It's the first time I've been confessed to and I'm still a boy..."

Hyuga yelled, and then reacted immediately, "No, according to this development..."

According to this development, his emotional level with Dashan seems to increase rapidly.

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