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Chapter 0022 I don't know you (one more subscription)

From the school, the three of them came to the commercial street. The street was a little crowded and lively today, and it seemed that the aroma of some festive food had passed over.

Naoi literati took a sip of the aroma first.

"Although it is a world created by God, this world is really real. This kind of breath can only be found in the human world."

"Say as if you're not human."

Ye Shenyue was mutely complaining about the literati Naoi, but today the literati Naoi seemed to be a little excited. During the student council, she always expressed the silence of her followers, but now it seems like birds that have been released from their cages are flying everywhere.

"Well, don't mind that we're not the same as them, we... but people who have died."

Maybe it's the literati who is used to Ye Shenyue's complaints, but her face is still full of sunshine, which is very different from her who said she was afraid of the sun before. "But I've always been curious, how did you die?"

how did you die?

Is it possible to ask such a thing?

But Ye Shenyue still recalled, "I still can't think of it, the memory seems to be imprisoned."

"Is that so-"

The literati looked at the shooting booth on the other side and then looked at Ye Shenyue, "I have observed those people in the post-mortem world front, and some of them have amnesia, but they quickly regained their memory, it seems that they are only idiots. You can't restore your memory, do you mean Yeshenyue-Jun, you are an idiot?"

He covered his slightly plump mouth as if he had seen something terrible, "Although it seems that I can only choose you, I don't want to fall in love with a fool! If I become a god and my status is noble, I will feel What a shame!"

Then, he looked at Ye Shenyue with the eyes of a lower animal.

The literati is a very excessive person, since she has been hiding all the time and is ready to wipe out all the people on the world front line after her death and then brutally kill them.

"There is no God in this world."

Although what the literati said this time was not so "dark", what was the aura of looking down on him?

"And even if there is a god, it can't be you! You are under me no matter what, as long as I shout... um, shout that one and you will understand."

"Eh... I know, Ye Jun, you don't have to interrupt me like this every time..."

As soon as he heard Yashenyue's spell "Mapo Tofu", the vice president immediately looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, "If you lie on the ground here and hug your legs, even if it's someone you don't know, that's fine. There would be shame."

"As long as you know."

The spell is the lifeblood of Naoi literati. As long as she catches it, she has to calm down obediently even if she goes off the line.

"No, what I said is that you will feel ashamed. If you really do that, then I will definitely not know anything. So at that time, you are the only one who is sober."

A smug smile appeared on the vice-chairman's face, pushing his hat slightly.Her eyes were slightly darkened.

Ye Shenyue gave her a roll of eyes and turned to Xiao Zou.

And Naoi literati leaned aside and seemed to be interested in other things.

"Is it really okay to eat Mapo tofu even here?"

There are many food vendors in the street with the legendary apple candy, dorayaki, taiyaki, teppanyaki, and oden, but Xiaozao ignores the temptation of these delicacies and only order one.

Mapo tofu.

Why Mapo Tofu also becomes a snack?Even a snack should be stinky tofu!

The owner of the stall was stunned when he saw Xiao Zou holding the round fast food box of Mapo Tofu in one hand and then destroying the tofu at super fast speed.

"Delicious. I've never seen anything more delicious than this."

Sono said that, but there was no slowness in the speed of delivering the food to the stomach of the other dimension.


Ye Shenyue noticed that the people around her had looked towards this side with a strange gaze, while Xiao Zao continued to keep his face expressionless. Maybe... Xiao Zao also had a thick skin.

"We want the Mapo tofu here."

Ye Shenyue tried to take Xiao Zou away, but Xiao Zou turned back three times, first looking at Mapo Tofu, then at Ye Shenyue, and then at Ye Shenyue.

Ye Shenyue was finally defeated by this reluctant gaze.

He copied it in his pocket, and then looked casually at a father who was handing the banknotes to the merchant to buy apple candy.

Father took out a denomination of 100 yuan, and the hawker was a little helpless. His apple candy was only [-] yen, which was simply overkill.

But still started looking for money.

A very calm picture, but in Ye Shenyue's eyes, it is very different.

His attention turned to the other denominations in the hawker's pocket, ranging from 2000 to 1000.

The pattern of the coin is accurate to the serial number.

...his hands were still in the empty pockets but at this moment the air shook and the pockets bulged.

Ye Shenyue took out the contents, and it was the money from the hawker's pocket just now.

However, the money in the pockets of the hawkers is still bulging, and the money here is new.

Not used.

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