But it's real money.

"no problem!"

The boss readily took the money and sold the pot to Ye Shenyue.Although there is an advertising effect for someone standing by their own stall eating something, this continuous eating pattern is likely to make others misunderstand whether he has put poppies in it, otherwise why would he keep eating?

Is the mapo tofu made by yourself really that good?

"Literati, come and hold this pot."

Ye Shenyue held a pot by herself, then looked at the other pot, and then looked at the black-clad vice president who was already ten meters away from him.

"This shot seems to be very good, as long as you shoot down, you can directly take the prize away?"

The vice-chairman is discussing with the shooting businessman.

"Guest, if you can hit the tallest one, you can take it away, but if you have bad marksmanship, don't waste your money casually."

Then there is the drama of handing over the money and handing over the gun.

Then began the appalling gun miss.

Completely ignored Ye Shenyue.

"Who is that, do I know you?"

Finally, when Ye Shenyue was impatient, Naoi Literati turned around and looked at Ye Shenyue, "The writer you are talking about should be the beautiful girl standing on my left just now, she has already gone back, I saw her just now. Go in that direction."

While talking, the literati also made a gesture of pointing the way.

How serious and how like she didn't know Ye Shenyue and put everything aside.


Let's just say why Naoi literati deliberately talked to him just now to show that she didn't know Xiao Zou!

What a beast!

But the mapo tofu holding two big pots and a girl who can only eat tofu are staring, and the little girl is surprised to say something and her mother covers her mouth, this... it seems... Feeling ashamed, I looked up unexpectedly.

Ye Shenyue finally gave up the treatment, Naoi Wenren grabbed Xiao Zou and dodged to the side.

Chapter 0033 is really skilled technology (two more kneeling beg for subscription)

"Although picnics are also good, these are all bentos. It would be nice to have hot food at this time."

"Don't be kidding, how could there be that kind of hot food in this kind of place, such as a pot... er, it's really a pot."

"That's Mapo tofu, it looks so spicy."

"The silver-haired girl who is eating Mapo tofu is so pretty..."

"Actually, that boy is also very good. I like that type."

"Don't you like girls? That boy is a girl, of course."

"So beautiful must be a girl! I can't read it wrong!"

"Wow, he's here!"


Ye Shenyue silently looked at the two little boys who were less than his waist. What strange things were these two little idiots discussing!

You said he was a girl?


Yagami, who grabbed the two cauldrons and walked swiftly along with Xiao Zan, finally stopped on the lawn.

Then start a picnic like any other couple or family.

Ye Shenyue was thinking about whether to change the place. He deliberately chose such a lawn with not many people and then did some shy things, it didn't matter.After all, Naoi literati was left behind by him!

It's just that two little kids came here to play.

The green grass is far away from the crowded park, and it is indeed suitable for couples to have a picnic.

The lawn was quiet only after glaring viciously at the two little boys to frighten them away.

Just sitting on the grass watching the water splashing from the artificial fountain in the distance, Ye Shenyue's heart did not calm down, but suddenly became nervous.

It's a strange feeling, it always feels familiar when sitting on the lawn and looking at the view of the park.

As if, at a certain moment in a certain day, he once did the same action and saw the same scenery.

"You worked so hard just now."

Xiao Zou finally began to speak and revealed that she had successfully packed all the tofu into the space stomach of another dimension, "I am very happy today."

It is a pleasure to eat!

"But Ye Jun must be tired now. According to the introduction of the book "How to Date", in such a place and in such a scene, a girl needs to bend her legs and put the other person on the pillow."

Are you also reading that kind of book, Xiao Zao? Ye Shenyue's eyes are slightly widened, but Xiao Zao is already sitting with her legs half-bent, not at all sloppy, her skirt is half folded by her, because it is a short skirt The reason for sitting like this immediately revealed the fairness of his calf.

Xiao Zou has always been cute and cute, but when she sits like this, it makes people feel a feminine tenderness.

Since Xiao Zano didn't refuse, Ye Shenyue also lay down, her thighs soft and comfortable.

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