"Well... eh? You're a lecher!"

Jing Shui stared at Ye Shenyue for a long time, raised his arm, and suddenly a burst of water shot at him.

"Shit! I'm just being kind!"

Ye Shenyue flashed past, looking at Loli who was unable to hit and wanted to hit again, helpless.

"Humph! I blame you for not getting married! See you next time, Ye Shenyue!"

Little Loli made a dozen consecutive attacks, but none of them were successful. Seeing the speed at which Ye Shenyue was dodging, Little Loli's eyes lit up. She is not someone who likes to waste her power, especially here. Continuing on without the steady stream of water she needs is a waste.

Jing Shui Jiu quickly stopped, and her small body quickly turned into nothingness, but her indifferent loli's voice remained in the air.

And there was still a puddle of water stains on the ground.

"Young Master? Was there a monster here just now?"

Perhaps because of the fluctuations of Shizuojiu's attack, Feiju appeared quickly, standing next to Yagami, looking at the water stains on the steps and the pits created by Loli's crooked water cannon, Feiju appeared. Ju blamed herself very much, it was because of her that the young master was attacked.

"Well, it's just a cute little guy."

Ye Shenyue nodded, but didn't see his cat demon's white cat ears coming out again.

"Young master, you actually said that monsters are cute? Obviously Feiju is the cutest, and the young master also praised it like this before."

After the cat ears, Feiju's cat tail appeared again, and the cuteness and cuteness increased again.

"Call me meow..."

Ye Shenyue suddenly became interested.For example, playing with the owner and the cat now.

Feiju raised her small paw, which was still her hand.He bowed his head slightly.

It moves like a lucky cat.

"Meow~~" I learned to meow, but the meow came not from Hiiju's delicate red lips, but from the mouth of Rinko who quickly descended the stairs.


Rinko, what should I say?

"Cat! You and Yue are not the only ones playing games, I want to play too!"

Rinko rushed over, panting.Ye Shenyue borrowed her.

Feiju's cat ears moved, but she didn't say anything.

ps: Rolling all over the floor begging for flowers.

Chapter 0005 (three more monthly tickets)

"Cat, this is Yue's home. If you want to stay, you can only live in this room."

After school, Rinko actually held the hand of Hiimaru with a domineering hostess, and pointed to the next room next to Yagami's master bedroom and said to Hiimaru.

Feiju glanced inside, the house was well-organized, there was no dust, and it seemed that it was cleaned frequently.Fei Ju looked around, the young master actually had 7 rooms here, which seemed to imply something.

"No! I want this room!"

Feiju pointed to Ye Shenyue's room and said loudly, "There is the smell of the young master there, and the kitten can't sleep without the smell of the young master."

Taking advantage of Rinko's inattentiveness, Feiju grabbed Ye Shenyue's arm again and pressed him tightly.


The cat's nose is also too sensitive, and it suddenly took a fancy to Yue's room!But how could she be allowed to succeed?

Rinko was worried that a certain cat would shamelessly attack at night.

Then it's her who loses!

"Cut! Young Master, what do you say?"

Feiju is acting cute again, and cute cat ears appear again.The small fluffy white ears pressed against Ye Shenyue's face, itching.

"Cough cough... Feiju still lives next door to me. At night... I still prefer to sleep alone."

Ye Shenyue was just talking nonsense with her eyes open. In the zombie world, if no one slept with him any night, he would roll around and couldn't fall asleep.

Once you know the taste of meat, you can't quit!

"No! The cat can't be that close to the moon, there's another room on the left!"

Rinko objected that if the cat lived next door to Yagami, the chance of a night attack would be extremely high.

The night attack is only 2 steps away!

"Okay! That's it!"

The cat readily agreed, making Rinko puzzled for a while, why did the cat suddenly become so good at talking?

However, Rinko quickly understood what Hiju said next, this cat is really annoying!

"It's decided, so, Rinko, please go back, you still have to go home!"

Although Rinko's house is next door, their parents are also at home. If they don't go back at night, their parents will definitely think wrong.

"You! Humph! I'll come to the ward round! Anyway, Yue and I are just separated by a wall!"

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