Rinko was really angry, "So you'd better not have any intentions with Yue!"

"I know... but it's hard to say if the young master has plans for others..."

Feiju blinked at Ye Shenyue.

"Cough cough... I will never do such a depraved thing like a night attack."

But counterattacks are always welcome!

Ye Shenyue's face is indeed thick to a certain extent.

"I believe in the moon!"

Rinko's trusting expression made Yagami really overwhelmed.

His face really needs to be exercised again.

"Ha ha……"

Feiju smiled charmingly, her big purple eyes so full of flashes that Ye Shenyue didn't dare to look directly...

Anyway, even if Rinko really didn't want to, she had to go home.Now there are only two people left in the whole house, Ye Shenyue and Hii Ju.

As Ye Shenyue expected, Feiju really gave "gold coins to cats" oh no, it was food for cats.

She really didn't know how to cook, and in the end it was Ye Shenyue, an outstanding and good man, who walked into the kitchen.

No matter which world is a good family man!Is he easy?

Finally, tossing around in the fumes to solve bowl after bowl of dishes, Ye Shenyue's chef career once again came to an end.

What makes Ye Shenyue strange is that Fei Ju, who should have been obediently staying on the sofa and watching TV, has disappeared.

Did you go to take a shower?

Ye Shenyue's ears are very smart, and when he was in the kitchen, he heard the sound of water.

Did you take a shower?

Ye Shenyue walked to the corridor to take a look, and quickly withdrew her gaze. Sure enough, it's not good for people to take a shower and peep.

"Dong dong dong..."

The sound of water kept coming from the bathroom.

Looking at the glass door that was dazed by the heat, Ye Shenyue's heart also hung up.

"Dong dong..."

Another sound of water.

Ye Shenyue seemed to think that it was Hiju who filled a small bucket of water with a wooden bucket, then raised her hands, started from the beginning, and poured all the water from the top of her head little by little.The thin droplets of water fell on the smooth purple hair, on the smooth and jade-like face, and on the white and tender skin that glowed with crystal brilliance under the soft fluorescent light.

Drops of water fell drop by drop.

Look?Still not watching?

It's a really tough question.

Sure enough, as a decent gentleman, let's go...

Ye Shenyue opened the glass door with her hands, but with very little strength, she carefully controlled her strength, opened the glass door, and opened a crack, but there was no sound at all.

Like a master of this general.

Ye Shenyue looked inside, the water mist was misty, but his eyes were good, and the water mist did not hinder him at all.

Then, he saw, saw... Well, what he saw was not the picture of holding a white bath towel to block Bai Nen's body, nor the surprised expression of pricked cat ears because he was too sensitive, nor was it because he noticed To his peeping · peep and deliberately show the picture of a slender figure.

Not everything.totally not!

"That... Feiju..."

Ye Shenyue was a little embarrassed, because a small paw was inserted between the crack of the door he opened.

It's a white cat's paw.Cute cat paws.

"Young master wants to see the naked body of your cat? Does it look good?"

Fei Ju turned around, and the petite and delicate cat body turned in a circle in front of Ye Shenyue.

It is true that she does not have any clothes, and she is indeed naked, but in her current form, she is a cat!

Small cat ears, small soft cat tail, and beautiful purple eyes.

Completely in cat form.

Feiju, you must be too pitiful!

Ye Shenyue's hand that opened the door froze in the air.

ps: Roll around and ask for a monthly pass.Thanks to a dumb hair, 5068694731 for the monthly pass.

Chapter 0006 Fei Ju (one more monthly ticket)

"Cough cough... Feiju, I came here to say that the meal is ready, so... I didn't know you were taking a bath... um... cough... Then I'll go first."

Ye Shenyue really wanted to slap herself, so what if he didn't know she was taking a bath!

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