Completely opposite the students.

Yuri is really a small boss, and her methods are very refined, but...she will use all kinds of brains like this... Maybe it's because the past was too hard to accept, so she worked hard to survive.

I went through all kinds of thoughts in my heart, but in the end, they merged into one sentence, "This time the tornado battle is even a Guild to accompany you!"

Compensate to you?

Yuri's brows furrowed, "Speaking of which... what the hell happened to us?"

Hyuga and the others, who were in charge of monitoring whether the Angels and his party would show up to the gym in the grass, also woke up.

Ye Shenyue and the literati knocked them out, so the time to wake up needs to be a little late.

"It's nothing."

Yuri said in response, but she frowned. Although the vice-chairman Fumito Naoi said something super terrifying and dictatorial, what Yagami Yue, another vice-chairman of the student council, just said was...

Is it really the choice to reconcile?And this time, the student council's failure to stop the tornado battle is to convey goodwill to them.

Students will not want to fight against them?

Is this... possible? ...


Back in the dormitory, Xiao Zuo was perfecting her AnglePlayer software and then looked at Yashenyue and Literati coming in and immediately put down the mouse and asked.

In order to show goodwill, the troupe didn't go out at all during the tornado time of the posthumous world front.

"Do not……"

The literati shook his head, "President, you don't know how bad the guys on the world front are after death. Such badness directly incites ordinary students to fight against our student union."


Xiao Zuo opened her eyes slightly and showed a puzzled expression. It was not the first time for those who fought tornado to do it, but there was no plot to directly incite students. If you really want to look at it according to the regulations of the student union, this is already an item. Big mistake.It is no longer a confinement of a day or two, but a confinement of at least a month.

If it wasn't for Yagami, maybe the student council president would have started imposing school rules as usual.

It's because she believes in Ye Shenyue that she... um, it's against the rules.

But now, the effect is...


Maybe it's impossible to talk about, but there must be loss. Is it really impossible to live in peace?It has to be like this... Are they constantly resisting the beautiful college life?

"Actually, it's all the literati's fault, but I'm also at fault for allowing the literati to be taken out. Just like when we saw the prison cell prepared by the literati, he directly shouted in front of the other party that he wanted to destroy them, and then... ... the situation has become more precarious."

"Then—what shall we do now?"

Xiao Zhan asked.

"Two ways, the first is to negotiate again, but because of the incident of the literati, maybe we need to lower our attitude, maybe we can calm their anger."

" way!"

As soon as he heard that he might be handed over, the literati immediately called out. "This one won't work, absolutely won't work! I have bullied many of them, and if I get caught by them, I will definitely...and! Although you want to help them, you don't have to put yourself so low! There is no student council. Dignity!"

"The first sentence is the truth! But it's too shameful to do so, so please dismiss it."

"Then now..."

"Sleep. It's time to go to bed after the wind blows in the middle of the night. Xiao Zou, you should rest early, I remember that the exam is coming soon."

Ye Shenyue rubbed the president's little head, although she... well, I don't like reading, but for Xiao Zou, she has always read books seriously.

However, when her eyes shifted to the computer screen, Ye Shenyue's eyes suddenly lit up.

First meeting "I want to talk to you guys."

The very slight voice was a little immature, but no one could doubt "You are... an angel!"

Yuri's eyes widened slightly, and tension appeared on her face.

Angel really appeared here.

Chapter 0041 This is the truth? (Kneeling and begging to subscribe)

Xiao Zou was using a computer, and each dormitory was equipped with a computer, so it was not surprising that the program displayed on Xiao Zou's screen was eye-catching.

"Wing" means wings, and Xiao Zuo has selected the "Wing" button, and the character image has shown grid-like wings. Although it is only a line drawing, it is not difficult to see that these are large and soft wings.

"Have you already started designing?"

Ye Shenyue seemed very pleasantly surprised, he just told Xiao Zuo once, but she didn't expect that she had already started to practice it.

"Well, but there is no attack ability."

The chairman nodded... "Why don't you use attack ability? This kind of wings pops up and then flies in the sky, and then shoots the pieces of wings like arrows. Isn't it super handsome? Not only is it more powerful than a pistol, but also Beautiful, flirtatious and intimidating!"

The literati's face was a little red, obviously because he had imagined the scene of snow-white wings growing behind him and flying into the air.

"You can see why you can only be the vice president from here."

Ye Shenyue silently covered her forehead, but he said so, but he also imagined that it would be good to have wings that pull the wind.

Like... black?blood red!

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