"Yejun is still so ruthless, but..."

The literati was beaten again, but she didn't have much loss of being knocked down. She looked at the screen, "But these are all programs that need to be written. Speaking of President... Your computer skills don't seem to be very strong... This is almost a word It took me at least three hours to type a word and then it came out!"

"Four hours."

"Eh...four hours? That means you've been knocking here all the time after dinner?"

Just because of what I said casually...

Not to mention that it is false.

"Xiao Zou, it's hard work, if it's so troublesome to write, let me do it. I remember that I'm still a little talented in this area, um--but, it would be nice if someone could help me at this time, just writing the program shouldn't be too difficult, but The guy was a little patient and then..."

One more person?

Wouldn't it be so tiring to have one more person?

Xiao Zana stared at the computer screen in a daze, as if she caught something but didn't.

Just staring at the pair of wings on the screen in a daze...

"Good morning, Vice President."

"Good morning."


After last night's concert incident, the excited attitude of the students calmed down again, unlike last night's urge to riot.

"It seems that the time limit for these people's brainwashing is also limited. After we retreated, they returned to their original state."

The literati raised the lowered hat slightly, because of what happened last night, she deliberately hypnotized two ordinary people as bodyguards on the way from the dormitory to the teaching building to avoid being attacked by angry students.

But now it seems that the respect that students should have has continued.

"Don't get so happy all of a sudden, know it's all your fault!"

"Well, don't say that. I'm just speaking from my heart. Who knows that the group of idiots on the world front after death is rare."

"Forget it, it's almost impossible for you to make corrections, but literati, is there really no problem with your high-profile truancy?"

Ye Shenyue watched Naoi literati immediately turn red when he passed a Mandarin teacher, "Naoi literati doesn't need to take an exam, just fill in the full score when you change the test paper and enter your grades."


The Mandarin teacher was dumbfounded, but when the light from the literati's blood-red eyes flashed, the teacher seemed to have nothing happened.

"Well, anyway... I don't like reading, I just came here to play. If those students who obeyed the president in the past are happy to have their new students disappear, then... it's not necessary to feel free and relaxed like now. Anxiety is what I want most."

There was a relaxed expression on his face, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised in a very lively expression.Under the projection of the light passing through the glass window, it is both real and fascinating to be placed on the boundary of light and shadow.

For a moment, Ye Shenyue almost felt that she was attracted.

It turns out that no matter how unscrupulous guys are, there is such a real side.

It's real today.

It's just that the moment she walked into the classroom, Ye Shenyue realized something was... unscientific.

Why...half of the students who take the exam in the classroom are from the afterlife world front!

The one sitting on the left side of the first row is wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, the one sitting in the middle of the third group is a very gentle guy who always pushes his glasses with his hands, and the one sitting in the corner is just playing The reason for the phone!

And... well, the last thing Yagami doesn't want to see is a blue-haired boy called Hyuga who is suspected of being gay.

The look that Hyuga looked at him was deeply malicious.Didn't it just knock you out last night?

And the most surprising thing is that Xiao Zou was still flipping through the notes, holding the notebook with one hand and flipping through the pages at an unimaginable speed, not at all feeling that there was anything wrong with the class.

"The students of the posthumous world front have come to this class to take the exam."

Returning to her seat, Yagami passed the note to Sono from behind.

"Are they coming?"

Xiao Zhan's speed of flipping through the notes stopped for a while and then the note came back.

Sure enough, it was not found!

No wonder those guys are so rampant.

Sing...you win!

ps: Let’s advertise the new book “Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King”. The world that is currently starting is a dating battle. Although it is still this world, it has a different plot. If you are interested, you can go and watch it.

Chapter 0042 Unscientific Exam

ps: There are a lot less people watching.Kneeling and begging to subscribe...

The atmosphere in the classroom is full of weirdness, and I always feel that something shameful has happened.

"Hello kidnapped madman Yashenyue classmate."

The collar behind Ye Shenyue was scratched, and Ye Shenyue turned around to see Yui, who was smiling. Today, she was still wearing the school uniform of top students unique to the posthumous world front.However, there is a slight difference from Yuri's. Her back waist is decorated with a small bat with a long black tail. When she sits down, the long tail stretches forward. The child's is against Ye Shenyue's armpit.

"That's enough for you! Stop calling the kidnapping madman nickname! If you want the official name, call me the vice president, Ye Shenyue or Ye Jun, but you are not allowed to kidnap the madman! I didn't see my reputation. Did it drop a lot again?"

Even though he was in the classroom and he was about to take an exam, the people around him were paying attention.

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