"Well, don't mind, since that's the case, Yui will let you choose a nice name, um...let's call it Yui!"

However, the girl showed a smile, full of angelic smiles, but not a single word was useful!

Yui is clearly your name, okay?


Ye Shenyue was going to ignore this guy and turned her head away, but remembering the abnormal atmosphere in the class, she grabbed her long bat tail and grabbed her towards her, "By the way, what do you guys want to do this time? what?"

"What do you want to do? Oh ho ho - how do I know."

"Don't make the queen's laughter, you don't learn at all!"

"Hmm-hmm, Yui won't tell you that we're here to repay you for not stopping the tornado fight last night."

As a member of the student union, in addition to providing students with an excellent college environment and quality, we must also establish a good school spirit, such as allowing students to obediently attend classes and...

Come to the exam and get good grades.


Yagami looked suspiciously at the members of the post-mortem world front who immediately bowed their heads when his gaze swept across, Yuri pretended not to see him and continued to look out the window, while the young boy with glasses sitting in front of Xiao Zou He stiffened, and Hyuga, who was despised by Ye Shenyue, also turned his head.

Although Yui said that, it still felt a little strange.The other people... feel weird, not like Yui said that they came to the exam to pay back a favor.

Very strange.

"Everyone sit down, be quiet, and start the exam. The first subject is Mandarin."

The teacher is a middle-aged bald man who has already started to unzip the bag and take out the test paper.

The papers were passed down from the first table.


There was a very slight voice, but Ye Shenyue still raised her head, because the boy with black-rimmed glasses sitting in front of Xiao Zuo actually took two answer sheets.

Although the action was very fast, the sudden loud noise still made Yagami Yue pay attention.

What exactly do you want with two answer sheets?Cheating?No, even cheating should be to get the answer instead of the answer card!

What are they... thinking?

The papers were sent out. Although I didn’t listen to the lectures very much, I had a strange feeling. I always felt that these papers had been done N times, and I could find the answer no matter what.

"Very well, it's time to collect the test papers from the back to the front."

The time for answering the questions passed quickly, and after Ye Shenyue finished it, he found that the students of the post-death world front were actually the same. What caught his attention was that the boy sitting at the first table in front of the small concert actually wrote two answer sheets. .

What is he...what is he trying to do?Or what do the members of the posthumous world front who came to the exam specially want to do?

Ye Shenyue subconsciously looked at Yuri, who was still looking out the window, looking very calm.

Something must be happening!


Hyuga, who was disliked by Ye Shenyue and suspected of being gay, suddenly stood up, "Look, there's a huge puffer fish rushing past on the playground!"



What is this guy trying to do?Attracts attention but has no effect at all!Except for the more curious Ye Shenyue and the teacher, no one paid attention to him.


Then, with a very slight voice, Yagami Yue immediately looked at the place where the voice came from. It was Yuri's seat. She seemed to press something at that moment.

Then Hyuga, who sat down again in the classroom, immediately charged towards the ceiling from bottom to top. The chair had already risen and hit the ceiling with a heavy head. The ceiling was shattered, and his head was really hard!

However, it was such a shocking damage that everyone's attention was focused on Hinata, whose head was deeply sunk into the ceiling.

Then there was the sound of "wipe" again, and Ye Shenyue turned around and saw that the boy at the first table who had two answer sheets had replaced the answer sheet passed by Xiao Zuo!

The two test paper people then hide the small play and then swap!

These guys...

Come to the test and attract attention just to change the test paper of the tune!

If that's the case...then the afterlife world front...is really...

Very interesting!

In exchange for Soo's test paper and just like this... Do you want Soo to get zero marks in the test?

What stupid thing are they thinking?

Ye Shenyue put her hand on the table, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he already had a way to deal with them when the time came, and now... as long as...

Just watch a play.

Today is a whole day of exams, and there is a five-minute break before the next exam. Ye Shenyue is not going to disturb Xiao Zuo, so let her answer well, anyway, she already has a corresponding method, and now ...

Just to attract attention, let the teammates fly once, there are still many exams to come, these guys... What more interesting performance will they have?

The second English test.

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