The answer sheet at the end of the test is passed up from the back.

"Then... that, although I'm sorry, but please allow me to confess regardless of the occasion, Lihua Zou, I like you, please accept me!"

A red-haired boy suddenly stood up, his face red.

"Since there are no occasions, let's distinguish the occasions."

Xiao Xantou didn't even reply and continued to hand the test paper to the previous classmate.

"Xiaozao's words are good!"

Ye Shenyue, who was sitting behind, immediately clicked 3 likes in her heart.I thought they would have a terrifying attraction, but I didn't expect it to be a confession, but... Confessing these guys in front of him... would be too presumptuous.

Ye Shenyue remembered that the boy who confessed was the boy who confessed to Hyuga, who was suspected of being gay.

The guys on the world front after death...what a bunch of idiots.

Ye Shenyue didn't stop them from fetching empty cups from the bamboo basket.

Chapter 0043 Sure enough, it's time to cheat! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe)


The boy named Takamatsu who looked more delicate with glasses stood up, and after he had been swept up by Yuri 3 times before he knew it, "Actually, I'm the kind of person who looks thin when I put on clothes!"

While shouting that he had peeled off his jacket in less than two seconds, revealing his upper body full of abdominal muscles.

"...Understood, you sit down."

The teacher responded calmly without even giving an expression.

It doesn't seem to attract attention!

Takamatsu was very disappointed.

"In that case...then my lower body..."

As soon as I remembered that if I couldn't attract attention, I would be thrown out by Yuri's "Flying Sky" towering, "I decided to put the lower body..."


"You don't want this anymore, just sit down."

The teacher immediately stopped 07 and responded with a blank expression.


Takamatsu, who was completely unable to attract attention, sat down decadently, while Hinata, who was still watching Takamatsu's jokes at this time, suddenly screamed and flew to the sky!

Why him again?

But everyone's attention has been focused.

Then Takeda in front immediately started changing the test papers.


The day's exams are finally over.The battle on the posthumous world front is also over.


When they turned to leave, Ye Shenyue seemed to see their smiles, and Ye Shenyue smiled back.

Both sides have their own thoughts.

"Hey, Ye Jun shouldn't come to a place like this even if he wants to have a tryst. It's full of teachers. I just finished all of them and don't want to see them again!"

The literati who was caught by Ye Shenyue immediately after school said both depressed and surprised, "But if you can do some strange and shy things in front of everyone's eyes, it's not impossible to do something like..."

"It's definitely not what you think. It's just for you to hypnotize all the teachers. At this time, they just happen to be in the office, so they don't need to come one by one."


The literati was confused.

"You just do it. Xiao Zuo's test paper was replaced by those idiots on the world front after death. We want Xiao Zuo to get a full score."

"So that's the case... But I want to know what kind of papers they changed."

The literati suddenly got in the mood and immediately put on blood-red hypnotic eyes and walked in.

"The first is the Mandarin test paper... Hey, these guys, even changing the test paper can't help you? Xiao Zana's name is written as the student council president! It looks like a fake test paper!"

Ye Shenyue silently took the paper from the hand of the hypnotized teacher, and then found out the copy of Xiao Zou, or the test paper that was discarded.

"History paper... The earth will be invaded by aliens. The aliens look very strange, with small heads but huge tails, tail stars? Is this a god horse?"

"The English test paper is in hiragana... um, why is the name keles written all over it? What's the special meaning?"

"I always feel that I don't need to watch it anymore."

Ye Shenyue has collected all the papers. If he doesn't come to participate, maybe they can really let Xiao Zuo Keke hang the red light and become the last one in the school.

"Literati, immediately let these teachers say these words when they comment on the test papers..."

"This kind of thing? Well, I also think it will be very interesting. They must be pissed off by then!"

The literati also showed a black smile.She had a fondness for dark things.

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