Although, when I just thought about it, I always felt an inexplicable chill behind my back for a moment for no apparent reason.

ps: The stalk sitting in the gap comes from the dragon and the tiger... Well, the author is trying hard to create the image of Yui. If it's just writing the plot, then the characters... It's really just a name.

Chapter 0045 I'm willing to marry you, are you willing to marry? (Second, beg for subscription)

Ye Shenyue looked at the girl who had put her face on her arm so that people could see her face at the moment, she felt a blockage in her heart, Xiao Zou, it was because of this feeling that she met her after she was happy. It is only when I feel the misfortune of others that I want to pass on happiness to others, so that others can also experience a youthful campus life.

"Didn't Yuri say that I... um, did I confess to you? If it was the last time... that was just a casual statement."

"I knew that a girl like could anyone like her."

Yui deliberately looked to the side and said in a relaxed tone, "Anyway, I'm very satisfied to come to this world, very satisfied."

"that's not what it means."

Ye Shenyue said that, but Yui turned her cheeks. Although there were no tears, she was still so weak. She showed in front of people that she was lively and active, but the real weakness appeared when others couldn't see it. .

Whether Yui, literati or even Yuri, the life experienced by each person has caused them to act completely different from their original selves after they came to this world.

Yui gained a healthy body and worked hard and happily experienced something that she could never experience before.But it hides the softness in the deepest.

And Yuri, because of the guilt of her younger siblings, questioned and wanted to rebel against that unreasonable god.

As for the literati, the literati who are always treated strictly because they are withered but only need a word of "approval" from their father came to this world and seek only things that they have not experienced.

She doesn't mention making pottery, but it's not that she really hates pottery either.Perhaps, what she wanted most was her father's approval, but... she didn't wait for it.

Then anesthetize yourself with things you have never experienced before, even using hypnotism...

God...does it really exist?

If it does exist, why do these people go through such a bleak life?

Yui's eyes were looking at him, not with tears but with longing.

There was longing in her eyes.

Craving for what?

What the literati longs for is recognition, and what Yuri longs for is...the guilt disappears, so what is Yui longing for at this moment?

"It's not that no one likes you. I said that the confession was purely your misunderstanding, but that doesn't mean... it doesn't mean that I won't like you."

"Really? Yui has four wishes, the first is to become a singer, and now he has joined GDM, and then he can play baseball with his body freely instead of watching TV to understand the world, and then I want to say thank you to my mother. She has worked hard enough. Because of Yui, my parents didn't want another brother or sister, but they were afraid that they would focus on the younger brother and sister, and Yui would feel lonely. Finally... Yui hopes that someone will marry me."

Tears slowly appeared in his eyes, "If Yui said, if Yui is willing to marry, then Yeshen Yuejun, are you willing to marry?"

"Of course, this is just a joke, being liked... Yui is already very satisfied..."

A smile appeared on the girl's cheek, a smile full of satisfaction.

Really satisfied.

She just needs a like and someone likes it and that's enough.What a small desire, what a small desire.What a humble desire!

"No... As long as you are willing to marry me, I will dare to marry. If you are married, you can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register immediately."

" mean...really?" The girl raised her head and looked at him earnestly.

"Well, because you are so cute and touching. Of course you can find your own happiness. If I can, I want to give you happiness."

While speaking, Ye Shenyue half bent over and stretched out her hand, staring at her quietly, not avoiding her inquiry at all, because he said these words completely from his heart.

Xiao Zou said that she wanted to say thank you to the person who donated her heart, so she came to this world, so what about herself?

What is the purpose of coming here?

Perhaps, the realization of their wishes is the value of their coming here.

So it came from his heart. At first, there might be some cynical attitude, but now, after really getting to know them, Ye Shenyue's heart is real.

So he was not afraid of Yui prying eyes.Because what he showed was sincerity.

"Can Yui also be happy?"

"Yeah. Of course."

Ye Shenyue grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the narrow gap with a forceful force. The girl's body was soft as if it had no weight, and she threw herself directly on him.


The cheeks finally got sunshine, and then the girl raised her cheeks, "Then kiss your clothes."


Ye Shenyue nodded, even if she didn't ask for it, he would agree. It was the first time that she cherished it so much. Yui's lips were soft and moist, and tears should have fallen, with a salty taste.

"I'm afraid this is how a bride feels when she gets married..."

Yui covered her chest and felt that she was jumping very fast inside, "Yuyi feels very happy."

The smile on his face and the smiling eyes are like a crescent moon in comparison. It is obviously a pear blossom with a rain, but it is a different kind of cute and charming.

"Thank you so much, Yui always feels... very happy."

I don't know if it was Ye Shenyue's illusion, but the girl's body at this moment actually began to appear transparent and translucent!

He could see his arms around her waist through her body.

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