Is this... going to disappear?

According to Soo's plan, the students who were enjoying campus life would disappear and Soo would stay, and now... is that the case?


Suddenly there was a cry.

The girl who was about to disappear with a smile opened her eyes, "Yuri?"

The body suddenly turned from translucent to solid.

Restored from disappearance!

ps: Thanks to 661188, Tianji. Feijue, ht gentlemen and gentlemen, I am grateful for the flowers and comments.

Chapter 0046 Freshmen? (One more kneeling and begging to subscribe)

ps: The new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King" has been squeezed out of the new book list again, and it's still the next one that can't be shown. It's just ruthless.Kneeling for flowers and collections for the new book...

The girl with shoulder-length fuchsia straight hair running from the side was Yuri who called Yui's name.

Yuri ran over, a little out of breath, "Are you okay, Yui?"


Yui turned her head slightly, then pinched her fingers, "Hey, why are you back? Just now I always felt that the warmth in my heart was about to disappear?"

"If I guessed correctly, that should be a freshman."

The very slight voice was a little immature, but no one could doubt the tone.

"Looks like that."

Yuri nodded and instantly widened her eyes in amazement, "No, the voice is... You are an angel!"

While saying that Yuri wanted to retreat subconsciously, Koza stood still. As long as Yuri didn't attack her, she wouldn't take the initiative to attack because she was just defending.

"I'm not an angel."

Zou responded that there was no response to Yuri's vigilance and distancing.

Frowning, "Okay, I admit... maybe you really aren't an angel."

"Lihua play."

Xiao Zou suddenly stretched out her hand, and Yuri looked at her in astonishment, "This is you?"

"Just call me by my name. I'm not an angel, but I hope you can be happy too."

"You want us to be happy?"

Yuri's eyes widened in disbelief, "Are you kidding me?"

"Absolutely not. Ye Jun said that there may be a big misunderstanding between us. For example, I just want you to experience a happy campus life and you seem to understand that this will hurt you."

"Isn't it? Not only attacking us... troops, you don't seem to be actively attacking, but also blocking our private activities and then... No, that seems to be because the school rules do not allow it, do you mean that you are always acting according to school rules? ?"

Yuri's mind quickly turned.In the end, her eyes widened because even she herself felt unbelievable.

"So that's how it is, it's been so chaotic for so long, so you are all idiots!" Yui, who was sure she would not disappear, added.

"You're an idiot!"

Yui said that being stupid is something that every member of the postmortem world front cannot accept, although according to the real situation, they are really stupid!


Yui, who was refuted again, closed her mouth.

Then she felt someone rubbing her head, and found that it was Ye Shenyue who immediately gave him a sweet smile. Although it didn't disappear, she still had a strong affection for Ye Shenyue.丨The soft body, the white and tender little hands grasped his clothes like this, and then smiled cutely, Ye Shenyue felt that there seemed to be a strong beast in his veins that was constantly spewing, gushing and biting. he.ず Such a cute loli should be hugged and kissed enough!

When she noticed Xiao Za's gaze turned to Yagami Yue Kankan, she pressed Nai, then stared at Xiao Zuo and then looked at the incredible reason.

Not only is Yuri not stupid, but she is very smart, so if you have a formal communication, everything will be unraveled.But, by the way, what were you all doing?It's been a whole year since I came to this world!


However, after a brief silence, Yuri raised her voice, "But as long as you obey the rules obediently, you will disappear!"

"That's new life."

It was Yui who actually spoke, "Although I'm about to disappear, my heart is filled with a warm feeling of happiness. Yuri, I think it's not disappearing but a new life. I always feel that this is enough."

"If this is the case, according to the reincarnation you mentioned at the beginning, the argument that disappearing in this world means disappearing into lettuce and becoming an anemone may be wrong, should it be starting a new life, or reincarnation is just getting a different life ."

A different life from now.

You can have friends with you, you can sit happily in the classroom, and you can have your younger siblings rushing over as soon as you get home.


How happy is this.

But...that's not my life!My life now is only one life, a cruel life full of pain, full of guilt, full of unwillingness and helplessness.

Forget the tragedy of my younger brothers and sisters, forget my own sins, forget the injustice of God...

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