This kind of not my life!

Yuri's eyes slowly firmed up.

He couldn't be redeemed, but... When his eyes fell on Yui who was pulling Yagami Yue's sleeve, Yuri's heart softened. He couldn't accept this kind of life, but other people were different. They, like Yui, if it were true, they might have been freed just now, as well as Hinata, Takamatsu, Shiina, and others...

They, maybe they yearn for a new life, are here just not wanting to be lettuce or something in the afterlife.

"It sounds like this, but... no one is sure whether it is a new birth or whether it has disappeared, just like I couldn't convince you at the beginning, and now you can't convince me, unless you can show the real Evidence that can produce real evidence...According to..."

Yuri's voice suddenly got stuck, and even Kono looked at Ye Shenyue's hand with wide eyes.

He put his hand on Yui's shoulder, but it was strange that he wore a part of it to enter, and then touched a long silver-white line.

When the thread was continuously pulled, an edge that seemed to be the edge of the door appeared.

That's the door.

A door connecting Yui and another world.

"As long as it exists in this world, whether you want it or not, but it is connected with other people, other things and the world, as long as you grab that thread, you can open that door."

The very clear voice, word by word, but with strong philosophical meaning, is constantly replaying in my mind.

Whoever said this....

Ye Shenyue only felt very familiar, but it seemed that there was still a layer of film blocking it.

Chapter 0047 Door (two more kneeling and begging to subscribe)

"what is this?"

Yuri's eyes widened, and Lianyi also showed a shocked expression, "This is... is this the door inside Yui's body?"

"There is actually a door in Yui's body? But that's not important, right, what's important is, Lord Yeshenyue, your hand is already inside Yui's body, so I feel... good!"

This is not H at all, okay?

Ye Shenyue patted her on the shoulder, but the hand had just been taken out, and then the door that had been grabbed out disappeared without a trace.

"What exactly happened?"

Yuri showed a puzzled expression, while Kono looked at Yui carefully, "I think this may be the door to a new world."

"The door to a new world?"


"If Yui really got a new life because her wish was fulfilled, then she would go to the place where she should go through the door of the new life, but because you stopped her, she stayed in this world again, but at first she disappeared. Half of the body, that is to say, half of the body is gone" Xiaozuo explained that Yuri and Yui were listening, but Yagami Yue had a very bad feeling, Xiaozuo actually mentioned fulfilling her wish, which means that Did she actually see it in the first place?Talk about what happened to him and Yui from the beginning, see the tail and wait until Yuri appears?

Xiao Zhan, do you want to do this?

"So it is."

Yuri frowned and nodded.

"In other words, Yui is half a person? The current Yui is only half?"

Seeing them nodding, Yui, who understood only half of her left, immediately turned around in a different way, as if she wanted to see how much she was, whether it was the upper body or the lower half?

"It should be half through."

Ye Shenyue also participated in the discussion. His palm went down to the part of the heart and then stretched out from Yui's small shoulder.

Yui is no longer a complete entity, and even though she was called back by Yuri just now, part of it was included in that world because of the "thread".

In this way, since she can't come back, it doesn't mean she can't get through. The door is already hidden in her body. As long as the "thread" is pulled, the door can be opened, and she will pass sooner or later.

To... a new world.

What is the new world like?

Looking at Yui Yagami, who had raised her head and regained her lively and "stupid" feeling, it seemed that it was useless to ask her.

"Yuri! What are you doing! Don't touch it! It's so itchy... so itchy."

Yui screamed, because Yuri actually stretched out her hand and grabbed onto her chest, and the place where the fingertips slid was like a domino trembling, and then immediately rippling like a The feeling of being crawled by ants is really itchy.

"Stretch... can't stretch."

Yuri stretched out her hand, and what she touched was only the body and not the "half void."

Frowning, she looked at Xiao Zou, "Angel, you should try it too."

"Neither can I."

First of all, she replied "I'm not an angel". When she put her hand on Yui's shoulder and then retracted it, her fingers also stopped on the shoulder, and she didn't feel any "void". The "sink" feel.

"Yishenyuejun, try again."

"Is it only me who can do this?"

Ye Shenyue's hand just touched Yui's shoulder and then sank again, and her fingers immediately wrapped around a silver-white thread.

it is as expected.

This guy.

Yuri bit her lip lightly, lost in thought.

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