

The tea in the hands of Yui's mother, who was bringing in the tea, immediately rolled into the ground and the brewed tea was just poured.

Ps: The author's new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King" is currently about a big dating battle. The plot is different from this book, but it is just as exciting. Interested children's shoes go and have a look. The author needs you very much!

Chapter 0056 Recognition and Hope

Ps: The author's new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King" is currently about a big dating battle. The plot is different from this book, but it is just as exciting. Interested children's shoes go and have a look. The author needs you very much! ...


Yui stuck her head out of Ye Shenyue's arms unnaturally, her cheeks flushed all of a sudden, and she stuttered as she introduced, "This...this is..."

"That, I think, we seem to need to talk seriously."

Yui's mother took a deep breath to calm herself down. "Looks like there's still a lot I don't understand."

Why don't you understand?

She just brought a daughter's elementary school classmate to the house, and within ten minutes, she, the mother, heard her daughter and this classmate talking about marriage and decided on her own.

Although this era advocates free love, but this... only ten minutes!

Only ten minutes to start discussing marriage!

This...what is...what is going on!

As an ordinary housewife Yui's mother, it would be nice not to be stunned at this time.

In the end, Ye Shenyue, Yui, and Yui's mother sat together and began to explain.

"That is to say, Yui accidentally entered a strange world, then you met, and finally came back from that world? It looks full of fantasy."

Mom obviously didn't believe it when she said that.

"Mom, it's actually true—"

As a daughter Yui, of course she knew her mother's attitude.


However, Ye Shenyue held Yui's soft little hand, then looked at Yui's mother, "You can be just a fairy tale just now, in fact, I made an agreement with Yui when we were very young, so I'm a little embarrassed to say it. , But at that time we had already agreed to get married when we grew up. Later, I lost contact with Yui, but I didn't expect to meet again at this time. What makes me happy is that Yui has not forgotten me, and I have also... So... so..."

"So it is."

Yui's mother only had a positive color at this time.

It turned out to be a promise from childhood, but if it was a promise from childhood, but now Yui has...

"No matter what Yui will become, it can't stop me and Yui's heart. It is an inseparable fate to meet again among six billion people. Please fulfill us."

Ye Shenyue took Yui's hand and bowed directly. Bowing 90 degrees in the mud was the most modest and serious performance.

represents sincerity.

"Mom, promise."

Yui was also talking, because she couldn't turn her body because of her body.He could only stare at his mother. "You've also worked hard for a long time, and Yui also wants you to relax."

"This...let me think about it, and I have to discuss it with Yui's father."

Yui's mother finally softened her mouth.

It's not that Yui won't have to take care of her when she gets married, but that the child can find true happiness, which is what all parents look forward to.

If you can accept Yui like this now, then Yui will definitely be happy.


Ye Shenyue nodded, he knew that no matter who encountered this kind of thing, he couldn't make a decision immediately, especially his mother who had been working hard all the time.

"Yuyi, do you want to go out for a walk?"

Looking at the TV pinned to the wall and the unchanging scenery outside the window, Yui is only on the first floor because of her health, and outside the window there are trees and flowers that my mother has trimmed well, but no matter how beautiful she is, she always stays in the room. will get bored.

"not bad?"

Yui looked at her mother.

"Well, I'll cook for you at home."

The mother smiled softly, the corners of her mouth curled up very tenderly.

Although there is no real agreement, it seems to agree.


Yagami nodded, and then pushed over the wheelchair in the corner under the instructions of Yui's mother.

"There will be some contact later, don't react too strongly."

The wheelchair has been pushed to the side of the bed, Yui is wearing pink pajamas, pants and shirt are separated, but there is no underwear inside.


Yui's face turned red.

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