In the past, there was nothing because her mother was holding her, but this time, it was a boy holding her, and it was the kind that was almost hugging her in front of her, so it was inevitable that there would be some small friction.

Although she can't feel it due to physical reasons, girls in this state will still blush.

"It looks like this is the real you."

Ye Shenyue placed Yui in her wheelchair and let her sit down.Looking at the faint pink color on the girl's cheeks, she said with a smile, "In normal times, you are lively and beating and always scold people for idiots."

"That's in that world, there are so many people who show up and naturally want to be friends with them, and on TV it's said that lively people are the easiest to make friends. So..."

"So it is."

Ye Shenyue smashed Yui's head, "However, you don't need to do this kind of thing in the future, just live as you want, because you are Yui."

"Yeah, that's right. I'm embarrassed to Yuri and the others, but... I always think this world is the best."

A sweet smile appeared on Yui's mouth, "Also, shouldn't that angel be very angry when I snatched you over? That time when I saw her appearing without a word, she must be very scary. expression."

"Xiao Zou will not be like that, and... I think this world, which we think is a new world, is actually the original world you are in."

"Well, I think so too. If it wasn't for you, I would have thought that everything was just a dream, but this dream is also beautiful."

"And me, some love sons showed up in the hospital, and then I met the lead singer in your GDM."

"You mean Iwasawa! Iwasawa! Are you sure?"

Yui suddenly became excited, "Is she here too?"

I'm afraid this is her true temperament. She was so good-natured before, maybe because she was always bothering her mother, then she was always good-natured and then her habitual temperament, but now the excitement and excitement are the same as the Yui he knew.

"She was in the hospital with what appeared to be a throat injury. She was resuscitating when I came out, and then I saw ... Xiao Zou in the hospital."

"Throat injury? Iwasawa told us that what she wanted to do most before her death was to be a real singer, constantly work to earn money and then pursue her dream of music, but at the moment when her dream was about to succeed, her parents The battle between them affected her, she accidentally hurt her neck with a wine bottle and hurt her vocal cords, and then she could not make a sound, and finally died in the hospital sadly."

As Yui spoke, her voice slowly became infected and became low.

"As for the small play you said... Wait, you are talking about an angel, and an angel has appeared? God... Has everyone returned to this world?"

"I don't know this yet. Xiao Zou has to be hospitalized because of a heart attack. She was in a coma when I went there, and Iwasawa... How about we go to the hospital together? The journey is less than 20 minutes."

"Well, I already feel very happy, and now Iwasawa, I really hope she can be happy too. Because... I am her super hot fan! Little ones, hurry up, I can't wait. I'm going to see her!"

Yui's mood is also slowly because of the soul of Fans?Burned.

"Got it, let's go, Queen Yui!"

Ye Shenyue smiled.

Chapter 0057 Only we are unique

Ps: The author's new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King" is currently about a big dating battle. The plot is different from this book, but it is just as exciting. Interested children's shoes go and have a look. The author needs you very much! ...

Came to Mihua City Hospital again.

"Yuyi remembers this place, and the surgery she had when she was a child was still done here."

The operation of Yui's finger is probably the clean-up after the car accident. Although the body remains normal, the nerves under the spine are already...

"Let's go to Iwasawa first."

Ye Shenyue shook Yui's hand.

"Well, I can't wait to see Iwasawa! I really hope to make her wish come true. Iwasawa's dream is small, she just wants to sing the song in her heart."

Ye Shenyue pushed Yui and was about to walk to the consultation desk, but she heard such a discussion on the way.

"So young to lose her voice like this. She's still a girl like a flower."

"That's right, the parents just casually looked at the child and knew that the child's life was not in danger and then went home directly. This child..."

"It's so pitiful. It is said that the wound on her neck was accidentally injured by her father, but she is so ruthless."

"that is--"

The speakers were several elderly people wearing hospital gowns, apparently the patients here.

"Wait a minute, um, where is the ward of the girl you mentioned, grannies? Is her name Iwasawa? I'm her friend."

Ye Shenyue walked directly towards the old man who was discussing.

"Iwasawa? We don't know the name, but the little girl who came out of the operating room just now... do you know me? Uh... this..."

One of the old men took Ye Shenyue's words, then glanced at Yui who was sitting in a wheelchair, "This girl..."

"She's my wife. She's not married yet, but soon."

Ye Shenyue responded calmly, while holding Yui's hand.

"Well, if you're looking for that girl, she's in Ward 302."

"That's it, thank you so much."

Ye Shenyue nodded and then pushed Yui to the ward she had already inquired about.

"It's a pity, that young man is not bad, but his fiancée is... It's hard work after him."

"However, knowing that her fiancee is in such a situation and marrying her is also very valuable."


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