As for what Ye Shenyue they were talking about, she no longer paid attention.

No matter whether others agree or disagree, he will fulfill his promise and marry Yui.

Ward 302 is on the 3rd floor. They arrived a while after taking the elevator. Pushing Yui, they came to the front of the ward.

Iwasawa's name is written on the door.

only here.

Moreover, from the half-closed door, he had already seen Iwasawa, sitting on the bed alone with his knees on his back, looking sideways at the tall plane tree outside the window that almost stretched its branches into the window.

She was wearing a striped hospital gown with layers of white gauze wrapped around her neck, but her expression was quite lonely.

Older people may lament that she lost her voice at such a young age, but Yagami, who had really watched Iwasawa's concert in the afterlife, could feel the desolation and sadness in her heart.

Her parents are arguing, and she is constantly pursuing her dream. She wants to sing, she likes to sing, she can sing!

She wants to sing the song in her heart and compose the song in her heart, but now.

Destructive damage to the vocal cords.

She lost not only the ability to sing but also the ability to speak.

Maybe speaking is more important for ordinary people, but for this girl who only wants to sing and only for her dreams, being able to sing is an essential part of her life, very, very important.


Yui, who was happy to see Iwasawa at first, was also infected by her sadness.

A small childish cry appeared in the small ward like this.

It's just that Iwasawa didn't care, or she didn't pay attention, her wish had been broken.


Yui shouted loudly, and Iwasawa's eyes, which seemed to be dead silent, looked sadly out of the window and turned around.

"Iwasawa! Do you still know me? I'm Yui! Your loyal fans!"

Yui shouted loudly.

Iwasawa finally reacted, then covered his throat with one hand, and then lowered his head lonely...

She couldn't make a sound.

Ye Shenyue looked around and ran out.


Yui looked at Yagami in a strange way, but Yagami didn't wait for a while and came back with a white plastic board and a black oil-based pen that a child used to learn to write.

"Ye Shenyue, you are so smart!"

Yui finally understood the meaning of Ye Shenyue's sudden escape, and gave him a happy thumbs up.

"I'm so glad you came to see me, but I'm sorry I don't know you. If you like my songs..."

"As you can see, I can't keep singing anymore."

Iwasawa wrote on the plastic board.

Then he lifted the plastic board, and Ye Shenyue was trembling a little while looking at the words on it.

I don't know why he always felt that this gesture of writing and then raising it was familiar, extremely familiar.

It seems to have gotten used to it and even liked it.

It was just Iwasawa's words, but Yui's ears were filled with a thunderbolt, and she looked at Yagami Yue diligently.

Ye Shenyue shook her head slightly.

"It seems that she really has no memory."

Ye Shenyue's mind was tense. Now Iwasawa has no memory, no memory of the world after death.

In other words, he came to the world before his death, the world where the cups of the people before his death happened.

This is everyone...and the world that Kozo was born and lived in in 2.4.

It's just that he is the only one who understands this now... and Yui.

There are only two of them in the world.


Seeing Yui Iwasawa suddenly bit her lip.

She really wanted to comfort Iwasawa, but she didn't know what to say.

Say you can sing again after you die?

but now.

She is not dead yet!And, do you really want to die like this?

What if Iwasawa listened to her words and immediately committed suicide in order to sing?

Yui was so difficult.

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