"We'll see you again."

In the end, Yagami decided to discuss with Yui how to treat Iwasawa.

Iwasawa watched them leave silently, and then repeated the gesture of holding his knees with his hands without any attachment.

Chapter 0058 Let's get married

Ps: The author's new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King" is currently about a big dating battle. The plot is different from this book, but it is just as exciting. Interested children's shoes go and have a look. The author needs you very much! ...

Lihua play.

This is the name of the patient on the first floor.

After passing through the ward on the first floor again, Ye Shenyue was silent for a while, and then pushed Yui and walked in.

"This one is an angel... Lord Yeshenyue?"

Yui widened her eyes and looked at Koza, who was resting with her eyes closed on the bed, and then moved her head slightly to look at him.

"Yeah. This world's son can only stay in bed all year round because of his heart, but."

Ye Shenyue pushed Yui in, "But Xiao Zou doesn't know us at this time, so don't show up later."

"Of course there's no problem with this, but if you really want to say it, I'm afraid it's you who will be exposed, right? You are more familiar with angels than I am."

"Don't be jealous, you are all different. Otherwise, I will hug you in the form of hugging?"

Ye Shenyue touched her soft little face.

"I don't want to, I always feel shy in this way. Ah, the angel woke up."

Yui said something and immediately shut up.

But Xiao Zade still woke up, her slender eyelashes twitched slightly and then fully opened, her pale yellow-colored pure eyes stared at them tightly.


"I'm talking about you. I'm very sorry for entering your ward without authorization. Let me introduce myself. In the next night, Shenyue and this one... Yui, my future wife."

"Future wife?"

Xiao Zhan looked at Xiao Yui, who was so petite and obviously not old enough to get married.


However, the kind-hearted troupe still congratulates him.

"Lihua play."

She introduced her name.

"Very beautiful name, Xiao Zuo Xiao Zao, can I call you that?"

Ye Shenyue tried her best to maintain a calm expression, but her slightly trembling hands still betrayed him.

Yui knew how he felt but couldn't hold his hand tightly because of her body.


Xiao Zou is very good at talking, but in fact she is also strange and doesn't know why she is so active.Proactively tell the other person's name.

"Since it's a troupe, do you like to play the piano so much? I always think you can play gorgeous tunes."

"I like playing the piano very much. I usually like to play when I have free time, but I have less time recently."

Xiao Zou suddenly covered her chest, her face turning pale.

Ye Shenyue hurried to support her.


Xiao Zou said with some effort, while Ye Shenyue looked at her worriedly.

"What did the doctor say?"

"The best way is to change the heart, but the young man who was dying but was willing to donate was finally discharged from the hospital because of his recovery, and the donation matter was also put on hold."

The boy who was going to donate was discharged from the hospital after recovering.

Don't donate anymore.

Ye Shenyue's heart suddenly trembled.

The person Xiao Zuo said, the person Xiao Zuo said was going to donate...

He remembered what the old doctor said to him when he first appeared in this world.

He wants to donate his heart.

But he was discharged from the hospital because of a miraculous recovery.

Naturally, donations would fall apart because everyone ran away.

But now it seems that the person who ran away and the person who was going to donate his heart to Xiao Zade... in fact... it was him!

Because of his refusal, Xiao Zou is still under threat of death due to heart problems at any time.


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