Suddenly, the little girl's eyes burst out with strong killing intent and excitement.

The voice was young but had a familiar feeling, "You are... Yuri?"

Ye Shenyue was taken aback when she heard the little girl's voice.

Chapter 0065 Thank you Lord God

"Are you... Yuri?"

Ye Shenyue was taken aback when she heard the little girl's voice.

The little girl was opening her big eyes and looking at him with determination.

"It's not me or who? This moment, this moment... I want to go back to this moment, and now..."

While saying that Yuri had snatched the pistol from the hand of a dead robber next to him, there was a little blood on the pistol, but Yuri's face did not have any fear, and her younger brother and sister who were hugging each other nervously. very different.

"This is what I want to do most! Headshot? It's too cheap for you!"

Xiao Yuri took a deep breath and said, "Your guilt can't be forgiven if your head exploded ten times! Absolutely... Absolutely can't forgive you!"

"Little sister, what are you doing...what are you doing...what are you doing!"

The robber leader couldn't care about the pain of being shot through by the bullet in his arm. He watched in horror as Yuri picked up the firearm from the ground and skillfully pressed the butt of the gun, and finally turned the muzzle at him.

"Afraid? Fear?"

"Are you nervous?"

"Do you regret it?"


"You want to kill someone!"

Although it was only a small Yuri, she smashed the head of the robber with the butt of the gun in her hand, and the black blood immediately overflowed.

But the leader of the robber was not dead. He was terrified and surprised. He must know that the one in front of him was just a little girl who did not have any threatening power. Even such a little girl would dare to pick up a gun and want to shoot him?

Is this possible?

This is no longer possible and impossible but a fact!

The constant dull pain in the head gave the robber leader no time to react. Now the reason is just a little girl. Even if she has a gun, she is a little girl. Just take her pistol away. All right.


He couldn't do it. Just trying to force it was like being imprisoned by some powerful force. Even if the struggling strength that broke out because of fear to death disappeared, he couldn't break free. He could only stare with wide eyes. The bloody butt of the gun slammed into his face and the back of his head for the last of his life.

For someone like him, headshots are really too happy.

Because he really deserves to die.

Now even such a small girl has to treat him like this, he... is really a bad person.

"Boom boom boom!"

With the sound of constant tapping, Yuri kept throwing the butt down, the pistol was heavy, but she lifted it up without any hesitation and slammed it down heavily.

Because the fear, regret, annoyance, and guilt that she has endured for so many years have weighed heavily on her body. These emotional supporters supported her so that she did not hesitate, and returned to this most important place without any hesitation. The time when I fear and most hope to be rescued.

She wants to protect... She wants to protect her brothers and sisters.

With a "click", Yuri threw the broken pistol aside, let the tears flow from her eyes, and walked towards one of her younger brothers and two younger sisters.

Seeing them panicked, her tears flowed even more.

I wanted to see them again and again and again to talk to them, but I couldn't, because the robbers had already killed them, and as the eldest daughter, she couldn't protect them.

but now.

She did it.

She is still the eldest daughter, and she has to protect them.

At this time, her only wish was that she had always resisted the wish of God.

That is to go back to the past and return to the place in her heart and... protect her younger siblings.

"Ou pinch sauce-"

The three shivering little animals rushed into their sister's arms immediately.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, these people are terrible—"

"Oh, you have a lot of blood on your body, let's hurry up and tell Mom and Dad-"

"Ou pinch sauce-"

The three little kids were crying, they were young but that didn't mean they didn't know anything, the men in the masks were bad guys and bad guys were going to kill them.

"Don't cry, don't cry, I can meet you again and protect you... This is... This is... Ou Nie Jiang's most wishful wish!"

Although she told her younger brothers and sisters not to cry, the little Yuri cried more than anyone else, and big tears hit Bai Nen's little hands.

She, Yuri, really got her wish.

"Night Moon."

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