After finally comforting the terrified brothers and sisters, Yuri finally wiped the tears from their cheeks, "I'll let you see a joke, but this time... it's really..."

"You squat down."

Yuri wanted to continue talking, but she waved her small hand just to see that her embarrassingly small figure immediately waved at him.


Although it is somewhat unclear, Yuri's mood seems to fluctuate a little at this moment. You must know that Yagami was watching Yuri's refusal to blow the head of the bandit leader with a single shot and chose a more unbearable hard smash. Live smash!

God knows if she will have any overreaction.

Ye Shenyue squatted down according to her words, so that she could lean over.

He didn't feel any disgust at Yuri's act of smashing people with the butt of a gun. After all... he just wanted to directly destroy these robbers humanely.

Intimidating a child as young as six?And he threatened the lives of his younger siblings.

This kind of behavior is really scumbag, not to mention the cognitive ability of the children, that is, if he didn't show the robbers shooting directly, he would have enough reasons to destroy them.

Kuangsan, his Sansan has been chasing and killing this kind of scum...

Thinking of this, the corner of Ye Shenyue's mouth slowly showed a faint smile. Maybe he didn't understand it at first, but it was very confusing, but when his heart was full of murderous anger that he wanted to explode, the huge amount of memories that poured out of his mind made him almost laughed.

It turns out that everything... the answer is actually like this.


However, just as he squatted down, Xiao Yuri leaned over, and the little mouth and lips gently pressed against his cheek, "Thank you very much, Lord God, it's not that there is no God in this world, it's just that I haven't met him. It's just you."

"Thank you, Lord God."

ps: This book is about to end, thank you for your support all the time. After the main story is over, I still want to write a little bit of happy and blackened stalks of the daughters who are on campus every day. As for how much to write... It depends on the situation. .

However, since it is blackening, how about adding a future diary?

Chapter 0066 Be sure to hold your big legs

Cornflower Central Hospital.

"A little itchy in the throat? That's right, this is the desired effect."

Yui excitedly looked at the handwriting Iwasawa wrote on the whiteboard, her little face full of excitement.


A look of surprise appeared on Iwasawa's face.

"Ah... this, Iwasawa is actually very sorry, Yui also put in the special medicine that can make Yui stand up from the wheelchair, because Yui has already stood up, so Yui also thinks this may help. Iwasawa is busy, and then Iwasawa will be able to continue singing again."

Yui immediately said nervously after receiving the searching gaze from the leader of GDM.

"So it is."

Just now, she was surprised that Yui was able to stand up suddenly, because the first time she came, she was still in a wheelchair and couldn't even stand up and walk on her own.

Yet now.

But can move.

Is there a cure?

If there is a special medicine, then you need to spend so many years in a wheelchair?

Iwasawa doesn't care about this, the most important thing to her is... Can her dream be revived?

Even if it is, even if it is to deceive her.

Iwasawa's expression was a little dazed, but Yui thought she was no longer thinking about it.

Yui breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Jun, that idiot, as long as you explain it like this and don't tell Iwasawa, you'll be fine, right?It made Yui nervous for so long.

The little girl patted while thinking about it... um, unpredictable chest.

"So what's in it? It's a bit strange."

Immediately afterwards, Iwasawa wrote on the whiteboard again.

"Well this-"

Yui hesitated, and she instantly felt that she had lifted a stone and hit her foot.

It really shouldn't be so quick to feel happy.

How to answer?Is it to tell the truth directly or just make an excuse, it's just an excuse, and what excuse should I use?

For example, it would be nice if Ye Shenyue appeared at this time, Ye Shenyue Ye Shenyue...

Yui's eyes floated outwards and then immediately lit up.

"Ye-jun, you are finally here... eh, who is this one?"

Yui jumped off Iwasawa's bed and put on her shoes, looking strangely at the little girl Yagami was holding. "It feels a little familiar? Does Yui know him?"

Yui is not a very observant person, but now she really wanted to make excuses to change the subject, so she immediately caught sight of the little girl with beautiful long purple hair next to Yagami.

"It seems that Yui is already happy, classmate Ye Shenyue, you are doing really well."

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