The crowd cheered!

"The 3:2 game is over!"

The referee blew his whistle.With a sharp wave of his hand, the audience became fierce.

"Well done, well done, Hyuga!"

"We can go to Koshien!"

Hinata's teammates cheered and excitedly reported him together. The third graders finally got tickets to Koshien!

This is the dream of all baseball players!

And now they've... done it!

It worked!

"Hinata's biggest wish is to catch the ball that time. This time, he should have no regrets."

In the audience, Yuri used a telescope to look at the corner of Hyuga's mouth, who was being held up by his teammates, "And you see, his expression was first stunned, then excited, and then crying... That guy is also from the afterlife world. came here."

"Yeah. Even though seniors in Japan are more gay, they still show such an expression."

Yui was also surprised.The small mouth opened wide in amazement, "Yejun, do you still remember him? It's the gay guy who winked at you!"

"About that... well—"

Yuri originally wanted to defend Hinata, but she thought that if she explained and explained, it would eventually reveal that she was instigating the seduction of the incident.

Well, forget it, anyway, Yashenyuki-kun's favorability to Hyuga isn't that good, so there won't be a deep intersection, so I say... I don't know what to do.

Yuri decisively and wisely chose not to hear.

"But now that Hyuga's wish has been fulfilled, Iwasawa's is the only one left. I didn't expect that we could fulfill so many people's wishes in just one month!"

Yui added a satisfied smile on her small face.

Just as Xiao Zuo said, Xiao Zao wants to thank the person who gave her youth so that more people can feel the beauty of youth, and Yui also hopes that more people can be happy.

Yui is also a good boy.


However, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a little girl's body hanging on her arm. She was a little skinny, but she was radiating the heat called excitement.

"Finally found you! I knew you would be here! It's worth it for me to find you one by one!"

A little girl, wearing a black dress, with very cute black eyes...

This is the literati.

"How can I forget about such a fun thing next? I'm also a good guitar player! My father has agreed to let me do some things I like while my pottery is improving."

Alright, here comes the literati.

Although Yui Iwasawa and the others formed a band, it was just right that the literati joined. Since everyone is destined to go to that world, let’s have another lively gathering in this world!

That was GDM's concert that made Iwasawa and Kona even Yui's mind.


It's something that all high school students who have been to the afterlife know!

On this day, countless fans chased in the direction of the concert.

The young people, teenagers, and girls were in high spirits and cheered continuously to the girls on the stage.

"In the changing daily life, I'm still stuck in love, what I thought I wouldn't have, and it seems like I don't need a reason to fall in love with someone. I'm in love again. The faint years of lovesickness are not there. The moments and feelings have completely disappeared, but the memory of the pure first love still remains in the memory Although the moments and feelings that are not there have completely disappeared, but the memory of the pure first love still remains in the memory—— —”

The lead singer was Iwasawa, and her face was full of excited smiles.

Because this is the dream she has been looking for, the dream she is willing to work hard for her whole life.

But watching their dazzling and beautiful faces in the audience, Ye Shenyue's heart was full of smiles.

Yuri, the world doesn't have God, but God also misses and cannot have everything, but when he wakes up, he will quickly perform his duties.

Because he is God, the God who brings happiness to the world.

God... also thinks that everyone is happy.

Although gods also have troubles with gods, for example, they will be chased by women for cheating, for example, they will be chased and killed by their daughters because they agree to the lovely daughter’s request but not fulfilled, or because the daughters are jealous of each other and almost become a hatchet. 's soul.

But now I am very happy, are you happy?

The gentlemen sitting in front of the computer, or the gentlemen who are playing with the claw machine.

Are you happy?

ps: It's finally over. It's been more than two years. Thank you for your support along the way.

The next is a small amount of extras, the first is the conscience black extras on the campus.For example, what about adding a future diary?Blackening and gore?Seems to be a bit heavy.

Also, to support the author's new book "Call Me the Demon King".

Later, there is a detailed chapter of the whole family.I finally came back.

Well, I borrowed Chihiro's song, and then put a small advertisement, maybe, maybe the author Jun will open another book about the gods, "The Emperor of the Red Eye" or "The God of the Red Eye". The Raiders of "Secondary Element" and the second element are completely effortless!

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