Of course, the premise is that the results of the new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King" are decent...

Chapter 0068 I'm back (finally)

When the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, Yagami came back here, and the world of AngleBeats has come to a perfect end. Everyone has fulfilled their wishes, like ordinary people... No, they know better who have experienced the afterlife world. The preciousness of life The preciousness of life will lead to a happier and more meaningful life.

Except for a few of them.

They left that world and marched together with Ye Shenyue to a world that was not scary but made people feel a little frightened.

"Actually, I've always been curious about what that Yuko, who makes Ye Jun scared, looks like, is it three heads and six arms or five necks?"

The literati shook his skirt as he spoke.

"Although no one else can see it, don't be so unladylike!"

Ye Shenyue rarely complained once.

"Well, after all, I've been wearing trousers for too long and I'm not used to wearing skirts, or... you don't like the sudden visit of the dew point scenery? The book says that men like this tone the most, is it the book? Did you make a mistake?"

Well, Ye Shenyue decided to ignore the literati for now.Looking at the superficial sister holding the real puppy, "Sao and Yuri must come, but...why are you all here?"

"I'm just for cute things."

Biting his lip, he seemed to burst into an aura of excitement, "I want to meet the cat demons who are already mature! They must be very cute!"


Maybe you will be disappointed. For example, Hiiju and the others don't like to use prototypes to show people, but like to reveal the real body of Shizusui Jiu... Shiina, you will really regret it.

"I don't know if there will be someone in Ye Jun's Crystal Palace 07 who can get along well with Yui, right Iwasawa."

Yui pulled Iwasawa, who was holding the guitar, with a worried look on his face.

"I just... As long as I can find like-minded friends, I can get a wider stage."

Iwasawa was touching her guitar like a lover.

"Don't worry, Xiao Zuo and the others... they are not bad people."

Gently pulling Xiao Zana's hand, even though she said so, Yashenyue herself was a little unsure. After she had completely recovered her memory and strength, she had already sent a message to Yuko to prepare to meet them at this time. I don't know... what is the state of Yuko and the others?

What he is most worried about and what he believes most is that there is no other than Yuko.

Because she was the one to whom he willingly promised to dedicate to her the place on the right, a symbol of power and eternity.

Those who will never betray him.

Although the management is a little strict, it has done a good job, and now it has changed a lot.


Can Yuko settle them?

My heart was full of doubts, and the short time tunnel came to an end at once, and Ye Shenyue saw the falling cherry blossoms.

Cherry blossom petals.

It was the season for flowers.

Since he can enjoy the flowers, it means that Yuko did it.

As expected of a lady.

Cherry blossoms fluttered like wisps of gently fluttering ribbons, and then Ye Shenyue saw Princess Izayoi who was sliding down from the cherry tree.

Standing tall and looking far away, she was the first to see him.

"Idiot step-"

And the sharp-eyed Haruna also shouted, "It's too slow!"

"He must be hiding somewhere erotic."

Sera, who is still as vicious as ever, is holding the "recently researched" "really unruly ass" in her hand.

Although she said that, Silas's expression was quite calm, as if the shameful words were not what she said.

As expected of an idol, he is already familiar with talking thunder without changing his face.

On the other hand, Iwasawa, who followed him, gave Silas one more look, always feeling that she had the aura she was looking for.

"Too slow--"

Even Yu raised the small book, but Yu looked so cute in a calm state.


Feiju and Yeye rushed over at once, but Bai Xue wanted to rush over, but Ye Ye, who had already aimed at her, tripped her to the ground first and took the lead. ˇ "Ye Jun—"

This is the chairman, although there is nothing superfluous, but the smile on his cheeks gently makes people feel that something bad is going to happen.

President, are you warning this?


This one is the classmate Bupo Aihua who makes Ye Shenyue love and hate. She is standing beside her... Well, the obedient "school girl" Miss Shizuku Migo, Aihua looks generous and gentle, but it's just night Shenyue felt like she was about to break out in a cold sweat behind her back.


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