Like taking her to meet Chris or something.

One time when Ariel took him to a major dance, Ye Shenyue couldn't stand being surrounded by a group of girls dressed in costumes. , people really have no desire.

It seems that Biliye is not completely beautiful.

But when Ariel saw his "call for help", she also smiled and seemed to be invisible, which made people very, very doubtful whether this group of dinosaurs, which was once in a thousand years, was deliberately summoned by Ariel.

Absolutely to disgust him!

In the end, under Ariel's passive "ignoring" and "surroundings", he could only escape, and made a random excuse to run out. He didn't expect that there were still people in this quiet place with only the crescent moon. .

A small body, standing alone on the edge of a large violet, with her back to the gate of the ball, wearing a pale yellow Gothic Lolita dress, full of loneliness.

"Little sister, are you lost?"

Ye Shenyue held her body up and smiled, she was the best deceiver for this little loli who looked like she had lost her way, oh no, it's the best way to appease her and increase her intimacy.

"Little sister? Big brother... Who are you?"

Because the little girl turned her back to him, Ye Shenyue only saw the little girl's petite back, and when she heard Ye Shenyue's voice, the little loli turned around, revealing a lovely pupil, her pupils were very beautiful, It's just that these beautiful eyes are flashing with confusion at the moment.

"Remember, the big brother's name is Yeshenyue... What about your lion?"

Ye Shenyue felt that this little girl was very familiar, but he, who had already owned three thousand harems, had countless faces spinning in his mind, and finally settled on one face.

Uh... It seems that I met the Queen as soon as I came out.

That's right, in Ye Shenyue's memory, the little girl in front of her is Her Lady Queen, Lilith!

Ariel is a super student but has never met the Queen a few times. Her Lady Queen is like a fan.

Why did he meet him as soon as he came out?Sure enough, it was shit luck.

Just how come the Queen's iconic little lion isn't there?

Ye Shenyue looked at Little Loli with concern, but she really didn't see the little lion who could only talk.

"Big brother's eyes are very sultry... It slipped on Lilith's chest... If Lilith usually kills you! But Lilith is a little happy now, big brother doesn't seem to be afraid of Lilith, finally someone is willing to I talked to Lilith... But what is a lion? Does Lilith have something like that?"

Lilith's words really made Ye Shenyue feel ashamed, he just paused for no less than 0.01 seconds on her chest, which was almost the airport, okay, Lilith, your eyes are too poisonous!

It's just that Lilith's words made Ye Shenyue feel a little uncomfortable. She was pitiful and lonely.

Even if you are the Queen, it's the same, isn't there a saying that it's too cold to be at a high place?Having become a leader, it is very difficult to have friends, even if she looks cute, whether it is Ariel or Chris, they all regard her as a queen, queen.

She had a hard time finding someone to talk to.

"You are lonely."

Ye Shenyue's hand touched Lilith's head.

"Loneliness? What is loneliness? Lilith is Her Lady Queen, does she want anything? How could she be lonely?"

At first, I enjoyed the big brother's stroking a little, but Lilith struggled away quickly, like an enraged little lion!

"Then why are you here? Isn't the dance very lively? This is the place where lonely people come! What do you say!"

"This... this... disgusting... big brother is so annoying! That's right, Lilith is lonely, so what if it's lonely? What does it have to do with you?"

Her Lady Queen's tone suddenly became tough, and it seemed to have the charm of a broken jar.

The words seemed a little hurtful.He should be angry and leave.

The words can't be taken back. Lilith has so little regret that she finally found someone who is not afraid of her and is willing to talk to her.

She felt that when this boy talked to her, there was no such deliberately reserved distance from others!Talk to her like it's from the heart.

"Relationship? It's true that we have nothing to do with each other, but what about me... I don't see the little loli crying the most..."

Ye Shenyue's love is full, and she is very tolerant of Loli, and now, these words are not Lilith's sincere words, she is just a momentary impulse.She didn't pay attention, but he saw it, and saw the crystal tears that would soon fall from the corner of Lolita's eyes since she was a child.

She still has a good heart.

"Who... who will... cry!"

Even so, the tears that Lilith had been holding back fell one by one, almost getting Yagami's evening gown wet.

"Dear, isn't it lonely? Big brother gave you something, you won't be lonely if you have it, you see, it's a magic trick!"

Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand into her pocket. It seemed that the time was only one second. At this moment, Ye Shenyue's hand also came out. When his palm appeared in front of Her Lady Queen's eyes, it was a furry lion puppet.

"this is?"

Her Lady Queen would naturally not know that this unassuming little lion was actually made by Ye Shenyue's magical outfit in an instant. Fortunately, she had the experience and skills to make a rose girl, otherwise the projection material would be unfolded in just one second. It's really impossible to do something by hand.

"Little lion, don't look at it like this, in fact, it can talk!"

Ye Shenyue was modeled after the lion in the original book. When she squeezed the little lion, the doll lion jumped into Lilith's arms all of a sudden.

"Meow...meow~~~" "Uh...a bit of a misstep, I forgot to give it language ability..."

Ye Shenyue's original intention was to let the little lion talk, but the little lion opened his mouth and only barked a few times, not talking at all!

Even the real red and the others can make it, but they made such a big mistake!I'm really ashamed!

"No need... I can understand it, it is saying that I am welcome to be its master!"

Seeing that Ye Shenyue wanted to take the little lion back, Lilith stopped him and hugged the little lion tightly, and her heart was actually relieved a lot...

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