"Meow~~" The little lion was also looking at Ye Shenyue and seemed to say no.

"Uh... Well, Lilith, I gave it to you, keep it away... If you have it, you can tell it what you want to say in the future, it will never betray you!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the watch that Ariel put on him stubbornly, it seemed that it was time to go back, the dance was almost over.

"I'm leaving first, I'm so happy to meet you... Lilith, my queen."

Ye Shenyue touched Lilith's head again, but this time she did not refuse.

With a small face raised, he looked at Ye Shenyue.In the eyes flashed a firm color that made people dare not look directly.

Ye Shenyue's heart creaked.The Queen will say next...

"Can't you accompany Lilith too? Lilith likes big brother very much! Big brother is a very gentle person!"

"I'm sorry... Lilith, I'm from Ariel-chan... I can't accompany you..."

Ye Shenyue shook her head. He didn't take Her Lady Queen as a target at first. Compared with Her Lady Queen, he felt that Ariel was a little more difficult to capture.

He was a little unwilling to not peel off Ariel's black-bellied skin!

Therefore, Ye Shenyue can only ignore the language that seems to be a confession.

"Ariel-chan? Humph! Big brother belongs to Lilith, and Ariel is Lilith's subject, so it is completely reasonable for you as a subject to dedicate you to the Queen! I will go to Ariel and tell her! This is the Queen's. Majesty! Big brother is waiting to be Lilith's husband!"

The Queen holding the little lion looked disdainful. At this moment, the Queen's momentum was full, where is there still a lonely and pitiful appearance?It's completely a wake-up call for the Little Overlord 5.3!


It's too direct!

Hearing the little girl Lilith... oh no, it was the oath of the Queen of Biliye, Yagami was almost stunned.

No matter how fierce Loli is, she can't be like this... let's feel it!

At this moment, Ye Shenyue doesn't know yet, that's why an unprecedented war between the three major forces came into being.

As the root cause of the war, could he still be as calm as he is now?

Ye Shenyue shook her head and trotted towards the ball. Her Lady Queen is really willful.

"Yiye, you have other women's tears on your body, what did you do to be sorry for them?"

As soon as Ye Shenyue entered the dance scene, she was watched with a smile by the sharp-eyed Ariel-chan.

"Cough cough...nothing...I'm absolutely innocent."

Ariel, you can change your career to investigate, you can even smell the tears!


Ariel didn't get into it, she took Ye Shenyue's hand and walked in a certain direction, "Run, Chris is drunk again, so that she won't pester you again!"

"Huh? Ha..."

Ye Shenyue was stunned, but holding the little loli's fleshy little hand, Ye Shenyue could never let go.

Zombie Chris

Zombie Chris "Chris! You didn't fulfill your teacher's duty and went out to drink again!"

Ye Shenyue reluctantly followed behind Chris, who was drunk while walking. If an uncle was drunk, Ye Shenyue would definitely ignore her, but now in front of him is a little girl with red cheeks. Well!And Chris is so cute.

Ye Shenyue stepped forward and grabbed her, who was wobbly walking while holding the wine bottle, and said with a bit of dignity.

"Hey... the students are very good... and there are hundreds of millions of students, so you can't be busy~~" Chris shook her head and seemed to be complaining about something.

Because I feel like I can't be busy, so I don't have to be busy at all!

Sure enough, if there is a teacher, there must be an apprentice!

After N years, your disciple, Ariel-chan, will also let herself go like this. Both the teacher and the students are playing with their wages.

It's just that they are really strong, and for the strong, they can do whatever they want.

Ye Shenyue has always believed in this theorem, and this is also the belief that he has traveled through various worlds.

Strong, really 07 can do whatever he wants.

"Yiye...I said..."

Chris suddenly raised her small head again, her eyes wide open, and her eyes were full of blurred and burning brilliance: "Can you... can you go into the grass and push Chris with the power of drunkenness?" ?"

"Cough cough..."

How should Ye Shenyue answer?This sentence is not that he pushed her, but that Chris wanted to push him!

Do you want to be pushed back by a drunk loli?

Where is his prowess?

and so……

"There are too many people around, and the influence is not good!"

Ye Shenyue paused, then patted Chris' smooth forehead again, a faint golden light flashed, "Are you sober now? I have to leave beforehand."

"Sure enough, he doesn't like Chris? Obviously he and Ariel have always slept in the same bed."

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