Chris' face disappeared because of the drunken blush, and returned to normal. Looking at the place where Ye Shenyue disappeared, her mouth murmured, and her face was a little lost...

Time passed quickly, and after Ye Shenyue made a mistake to contact Her Lady Queen, the majestic Her Lady Queen really brought a little lion who could add a lot of cuteness to Ariel to find someone.

What is a queen?

The king wants the minister to die and the minister has to die!

Seriously, it is something that the monarch wants the minister, and the minister has to give it!

Although Ariel was dissatisfied, she could only give in in front of the Queen's powerful strength, but she discussed it with Chris and was ready to launch a counterattack by her courtiers.

Start a revolution, destroy Her Lady Queen, and then take back her spoils.

The scale of the war is not very big, because there is only one enemy, that is Her Lady Queen, but Her Lady Queen started to fight back in anger, and the underworld also saw the civil strife of Bi Liye, and was ready to get involved, as Bi Liye always attacked them "Repayment" Because of Ariel's relationship, under the order of the vampire baron, the vampire ninja also joined the war.

The scale suddenly escalated from civil strife to chaos.

Aggressive and chaotic.

The queen was forced to go to the front in person, and as a "trophy", Ye Shenyue, at this moment, was with Chris.

It's up to Ariel-chan and the vampire baron to challenge the queen, while she comes to rescue Yagami.

As the strongest girl in the magical costume of Biliye except for the Queen, Chris was invincible, and soon took Yagami Yue away from the Queen's castle, and fled to the outside...

Ariel would never have imagined that Chris, who had found Ye Shenyue, did not obey the command to guide Ye Shenyue towards the underworld. It seemed that she had already colluded with the underworld to prepare to officially join the underworld and live in the underworld.

"Chris, can you do it? Or I'll do it..."

Chris's little abacus is good. As long as she arrives in the underworld, according to her relationship with Nini, it is absolutely fine to want to live there, and under the protection of the underworld, Ariel and the Queen will be helpless. At that time, the night god The month is hers alone.

But the dream is beautiful, the reality is skinny.Her luck is indeed not very good.

Because they were just on their way to the underworld, they encountered 10 Megalo, the super S-level Megalo produced by the Megalo system!

Chris can kill countless A*s with a snap of her fingers, and was rated as a super S grade. Now that there are so many Megalo's who are only a little short of her, it's a bit difficult.

"No, just stand aside every night, Chris will protect you."

Chris smiled at Ye Shenyue and calmly walked towards the ten ferocious Megalo.

fight, fight.

Ye Shenyue watched.Ready to go.

"It's almost time to come back for dinner! Alaya has already cooked by herself. She said that if you don't come back, then she won't take the initiative to cook next time!"

Just when Ye Shenyue was about to make a move, Gaia Lolita's voice suddenly came from the bottom of her heart.

He actually called him back for dinner!Has he been here for so long?

Now is the time for Chris to fight!How can I go back like this?But it's not easy for Alaya to agree to cook by himself, and if he doesn't go seems...


A pale and awkward smile appeared on Ye Shenyue's mouth.


Chris turned around, but at this moment, a Megalo seized the opportunity, stretched out claws that were tougher than a drill, and slapped Chris's petite body fiercely.

This magical girl is so abominable, she killed two of their compatriots in one fell swoop!

Get revenge this time!


No one could see how Yagami was moving, and they also didn't expect Yagami to move there, move behind Chris, in front of the sharp-billed bear Megalo, and attacked Chris. claws blocked.

Not with a knife or a sword, but with his body, he blocked it with his own body 830.

The bear claws went through his chest.

A drop or two of blood flowed down slowly.And Ye Shenyue's body... slowly disappeared, and finally turned into nothingness.

"For...why...why...why is this! You...why...why for Chris...I don't want it!"

The petite body that was half-squatted because everything that happened in front of her was beyond the range of understanding, stood up abruptly, not only that, a huge amount of magic power spurted out of her body, but it was just the release of golden magic power. , will kill all the remaining 7 Megalo around her!

Like the explosion of the atom d, the surrounding, moved to the ground...

"Finally... found it! Chris, eh... why is your expression not right?"

Her Lady Queen finally appeared and saw a mocking smile on the corner of Chris' mouth.It's just that Chris looks miserable now, as if something super sad happened.

"Chris! Where is my royal husband?"

The Queen's heart also became anxious.


Chris didn't speak.There were still tears on his face.

Now, no matter what the Queen does...whatever she thinks, it won't help.

Because the person who was the trophy has disappeared.

ps: The content of zombies is completely written.Congrats, congratulations.

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