
Zombie Kyoko Arc is black, black, no matter where you look at it, it's black.It was pitch black, and there was not even the slightest pesky light, not even the faint glow of an ordinary incandescent lamp.

This is the small dark room, where the girl in magic dress who has done wrong is imprisoned.When she entered the school to learn to become a girl in magic dress, she was told that she must not do anything wrong or she would be locked in a small dark room.

The three words "Little Black Room" were said with a smile from the mouth of Ariel, a super-strong teacher who was admired in the academy.She always had a charming smile on her face, making people feel that there was nothing scary about that little black house.

Yes, the little black house is indeed not scary, there is no cruel torture nor terrible torture.However, being imprisoned here, she truly understood the horror of the little black house.It's terrifying.

There is only darkness in the small dark room, without any light. She has always been ignoring or even disgusting feelings about light.

but now……

Black black, all black.

It will collapse!

Humans are animals afraid of loneliness.She has always acted alone and arrogantly, ignoring those girls in magical costumes who were spending time.However, even if she doesn't want to admit it, even if she lives like that and pursues her own ideals and strength, she will still communicate with the outside world, even if it is a mocking remark.

But now, no one, no one, not even a very inconspicuous little cockroach!She is free and can walk freely in the small dark room, perform various movements, and speak.

It's talking to itself!

Only talking to myself!No one to talk to her, no one to accompany her, no one...

She seems to have been abandoned by the world, completely isolated from the world.


Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she knew she was alone.

The biggest enemy in people's heart is loneliness, whether sad or happy, no one to share.

Happiness that no one shares will disappear quickly, and sadness that no one shares will continue forever.


It was the sound of the hourglass, the only sound other than her own.The little black house is her punishment for killing so many innocent people, but this hourglass is her hope.

It's kind of ridiculous that someone who has killed so many people still has a chance at redemption.

But it is.

She was redeemed.

In order to gain more power and life for her own selfish desires, she took innocent lives.She is willful and selfish.

But only once, and only this time, was she so close to death.

She was afraid.

She understood that it wasn't just her, even the people she killed were just as scared as she was, scared of being killed.Fear of death.

But she willfully took the lives of those people.

She did it wrong.

So she accepted the punishment and was locked up in this dark and dark room.

Surrounded by endless darkness.

What an equal punishment, atonement for killing so many people for her, for letting them experience the fear of death prematurely.


The hourglass is still passing, and as long as the hourglass is finished, her punishment will end.

Redemption is so simple.

The process is so painful and long.

"Aikawa-san... The atonement you said is really long..."

Jingzi leaned back against the corner of the wall, her legs were naturally flat, and there was no light in the black room, so she couldn't see her current expression, but she knew that the corners of her mouth were upturned.

Even this punishment of loneliness, this darkness, and the fears faced by those she killed were completely unequal.

alive.There will always be hope, and being killed by her kills even hope.

"I'm really a sinner..."

Jingzi was still talking to herself, no one was talking to her, so she could only talk to herself.Even a little used to it.

"I really want to meet you soon... But that's an extravagant hope... Maybe you don't even know me at that time, 500 years, 500 years..."

The term of punishment for Kyoko is 500 years.

The life expectancy of an ordinary person is 100 years, and 500 years may be 5 reincarnations. In such a long time, will he still remember her?


After 500 years, how could she be remembered after 500 years.

500 years, although not vicissitudes, but it can make a person's memory thin or even disappear.

And she can't be anyone's memory.

As if she had never appeared, even Ariel, the teacher who locked her in the dark room with her own hands, would have forgotten her.

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