Looking at the terrifying and beautiful girl in jet-black clothes standing opposite her, the corners of Kyoko's mouth twitched in a similar arc to the girl on the opposite side.

That's a bloodthirsty arc.

ps: The Jingzi chapter, which has been owed, has been added, and everyone can see that this is a foreshadowing for the next dating battle.Jingzi and Kurumi, what kind of collision will two similar people have?It will be completed in the dating war chapter.

I hope you will continue to support.Bow and be grateful.

Catgirl Feiju Chapter

This is a traditional family of yao monsters. Since the first cat yao was rescued by the owner of the Tianhe family three hundred years ago, the cat yao family has made a contract with the Tianhe family. , for 300 years, following the Tianhe family from generation to generation, even if they have to point their sharp claws at their companions who are also monsters.

As long as the owner of the Tianhe family changes, the cat family immediately sends a new cat to perform their duties.

And she, who had been hiding in the deep mountains and forests, was taken to Noihara.The old nest of the Tianhe family, as a new generation of guardian cat yao.

That year, she met him and was told that her task was to protect him and protect him.

A little boy, who is obviously just a little pudding, often shows a mature look on his face.

That year he was 10 years old and she was 300 years old. Her family guarded the young master of the previous generation and she guarded the current generation.

Night Moon.

Saying a very awkward name. The yao monster has the ability to change shape as long as she is 100 years old, but she does not change shape, but appears in the form of a cat.

She thinks she is mature, how can she be allowed to bring children?After all, she has lived for so many years, 300 years of experience is not covered, but she found that this Ye Shenyue is different from ordinary children, he looks very plain and leisurely, when other children are still playing in the mud , he was playing with her!


It's not that she plays with him, it's not that she takes him but he takes her and plays with her.

When we first met, she boldly sat in front of him in the form of a cat, even showing her small paws to scare him, but he picked her up without any hesitation and put her on his On the chest, stroking her ears, the sensitive stimulation made her murmur softly.

From the beginning he was playing with her.

What he likes most is to "examine" her body, trying to observe all the mysteries of her body.

If it wasn't for her shyness, he would have completely seen it all. Even if there were fine fluff and a cat incarnation to cover it up, the shyness in her heart couldn't help it.

This is the first meeting.

"You will be called Noihara Hiju from now on, forget your previous name, the new name I gave you from Yagami Moon!"

Touching her head, the boy announced like this, as if he was announcing his private property, "From today onwards, you will only belong to my catgirl!"

It was from this time that she had her own name, Noihara Hiju.

Noihara is the name of this place, it's a bit common, but that Higari seems to be very nice.

She originally had a name but it was just a baby name. People in the family said that her name was decided by the young master of the Tianhe family.

So she is also waiting, waiting for her name.

Now, finally, and it doesn't seem too bad.

The cute kitten looked at Ye Shenyue with a meow, and Ye Shenyue hugged her with joy.

When she was hugged by him again, she understood that this young man who looked a little mature and liked to tease her and even was a bit domineering would be her master in the future.

The days that followed were not boring and worth remembering forever.

He liked to touch her head, like her tail and her body. She never thought how happy it would be to be a cat, but at that time she really wanted to be a cat.

Be a cat to play with him, sit with him on a tree branch and laugh at the clouds in the sky, watch him cast a beautiful magic "rainbow" I don't know when she fell in love with being a cat and wanted his intimacy , want to be touched by him.

As the guardian blade, she only needs to be responsible for protecting his safety, but she has a big dissatisfaction in her small heart.

She wants more, wants to know more about him, wants to be with him more, not just a cat.

Being a cat is happy but being a cat is also annoyed.

In the afternoon a month later, a third person appeared in his and her circle.It was a girl with shoulder-length night hair and burgundy eyes, the same purple eyes as hers.

It's just that this girl makes her feel bad.

Always looking at him with an uncomfortable gaze, are you trying to beat his mind?

But she couldn't stop her, because the girl named Jingujiu Jiuhuicheng, she was his fiancé and the one who would live with him in the future.

Living together doesn't mean playing and eating together like she does now.Not shrinking in his arms to feel his warmth...

Instead, he slept with him and passed on his lineage for him.Be the important woman in his life.

Not something she can do as a cat.

When she saw the young master kissing his fiancée, she felt uneasy in her heart.

If possible, the person she wanted to be by his side was her.

Night hair and wine red eyes, is that what he likes?

Staring deeply at the appearance of Jingu Temple, she made up her mind in her heart to prepare for transformation!

But just when she was about to change shape, he left silently, went to the city, and left her behind.

Without his world, what is she transforming for?

She gave up changing.But the unbearable feeling of longing and longing still forced her to make a decision.

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