Transform into shape, then go to him.

But she couldn't find him. He seemed to have evaporated from the world. Yuan Ye said that it was the power of the amulet on him. The power of the amulet could protect him from being attacked by the yao monster. That's when she should show up.

So she was waiting, practicing her ability to control the yao power every day, strengthening herself, and giving her the power to protect him instead of the amulet.

Rinko, this is the girl he was with when she first saw him.

There is never a shortage of girls by his side, just like the Jinguji Jiuhuicheng.

But what about her?She's just his cat, that's all.The best of the day can also accompany him in more aspects, such as comparing with that of the Jingu Temple.

When she flung herself into his arms again, the familiar aura and the warm feeling were what she longed for the most.

She couldn't help but snorted softly.

"Feiju? Wake up, today is the day to go back to the countryside."

In a daze, her body was pushed, it was a familiar smell.

"Young master? Back to the countryside? Got it meow~~ Sleep with your guardian blade again meow~~" Lazily stretched his waist.

Cat Niang noticed that her young master secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and jumped over happily, biting her ear, "I like you the most, young master~~" This kind of life is good, and she likes the young master the most. Lord together.

cat girl before bath

"Hu~~" When she was a little fox, she understood the horror of this world.If you want to survive, you must become stronger, and only by becoming stronger can you live better and more beautifully.

Unlike other monsters, her parents were not around when she was born, and she was an abandoned child.

When she was little, she was just a fox at first, with traces of energy from her parents and her own instincts. She understood that she was a nine-tailed fox, a noble and powerful fox in the monster race.As long as she grows up, she can fear no one.

But she's just a fox, and without the protection of her parents, she doesn't even have the ability to protect herself.

As long as any human being can arrest her.

She is so weak.

"Yo... I caught a fox! It looks like a good color to sell to those ladies, but they really like these fox fur!"

She cried out in pain, but she couldn't escape even if she wanted to, it was too painful.

Then she saw a man running from a distance, wearing sackcloth with a machete, that was a hunter!A person who specializes in hunting prey.

Is she going to be killed?

When she heard the hunter's comments, panic flashed in her heart.

To be skinned?

It's terrifying.

She curled up, but even the slightest movement touched the pinched wound.

it hurts!


Just as the rough-handed hunter was about to open the trap, a dull voice came over.

When the hunter turned around, it was a young man with a fair face.There are two knives on the back of the boy, one on the left and one on the left, which is very conspicuous.

"Let the fox go!"

Those who come here say so.

"This can't be done. If I peel off its skin and it's a good amount of money, how can I let it go just because of your words? But if you're willing to buy it, it's not impossible..."

The corners of the hunter's mouth grinned.

He wants money!

"That's enough isn't it!"

The boy's expression remained unchanged, and he threw a purse to the hunter. The purse was bulging, very tempting.

The hunter took the purse and opened it quickly, a golden light flashed, and the saliva immediately flowed down, "Of course enough, enough... This fox is yours!"

The hunter was full of flattery, took the purse and even the animal trap, and ran away quickly, as if nothing could stop him.

No, a whole bag of gold is enough for him to worry about his whole life!He would be an idiot if he didn't do this business. He ran so fast because he was afraid that the other party would chase him.

But the corner of the boy's mouth twitched as he looked at the direction he left, and it was a disdainful smile.

Will he give hunters money?A joke is just a trick!He hates greedy people the most!

The young man looked at the little fox below, and pulled out the knife on his left. The knife immediately became 10 times the size. With just a light slash in the air, the trap smashed into pieces and smashed the small fox into pieces. Fox was released.

"Let's set you free, poor little thing, uh... It's actually a fox, and there's a little bit of poor demon power. You're a demon, it's really pitiful to be caught by humans,"

The young man was not standing on the same scale as her, but she was on the ground, she raised her face, looked up, and curiously searched up, she still saw his face.

A handsome face and gentle eyes.

She suddenly felt her little heart beating suddenly faster.

Suddenly, she felt that her body was being picked up by someone, and it was this man who lifted her up and held her leg. There were bloodstains on her calf, which was caught in a trap.


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