With the boy's cry, the boy's hand suddenly burst into golden light, the light was very warm and warm, covering her whole body.It was warm, very comfortable.

And she felt, um...it seemed...a little bit stronger!

"Yo... it actually made you grow an extra tail." The young man put the fox in his hand in his arms, and after curing it, the little fox actually grew a second tail, turning into two tails. tailed fox.

"Okay! That's it, I have to go back to my hometown to go on a blind date. Today is your lucky day."

The boy patted the little fox's cute head lightly, looked at her blue eyes and smiled, and released the little fox immediately as soon as he released his hand.

But just as he was about to leave, the little fox bit his trousers, as if he was reluctant to let him go.

"Woooo~~" The little fox couldn't speak and only howled, after all, she was only three days old.But somehow she didn't want to let him go just like that.

He was so tender when he hugged her, and she was full of reluctance.

She depends on him.Abandoned by her parents, it was the first time she felt that someone was kind to her, and she wanted to rely on him.

"What's wrong? Reluctant?"

The boy lowered his head, and the little fox nodded immediately, nodding fiercely.

"Haha...Then you should grow up quickly, uh...I think, it's better to grow up and become a humanoid...Be more beautiful and cute, and come find me at that time."

Rubbing the little fox's head, the young man left quickly. For him, this was just a small episode in a world full of monsters.

He still has an important task to go back to his hometown to get married.A loveless marriage would not be happy, and he had to go back and get to know Immortal Fairy Lingyue well, otherwise even if she was naked and lying on the bed when she got married, she would not be happy without feelings after all.

He prefers loli.

The boy still left, but the little fox looked at the direction he left for a long time.

Yes, this is their first meeting.

Not only the first meeting, but the second meeting, and even the third meeting.

The first meeting was rescued by him and gave her a goal, but when they met again, she lost her life.

She was sealed, and she, who had successfully transformed into a human form, finally found him.

But at this time, he hid all of his figure under the baboon's leather jacket, even covering his face.But she still recognized him.

A handsome face and gentle eyes.

The young woman who transformed into a human being, but she was a nine-tailed demon fox after all, and she was naturally beautiful, but even transforming into a human form was also unbelievably beautiful.

Transformed into a human form, she walked to his side, but was caught by him who seemed to be seriously injured.

Did he recognize her too?

"Before the jade bath."

She said her name, and she wanted to say it when they first met, but at that time she didn't have the ability to speak, so she could only whimper, but now it's different.She has grown nine tails, has a strong strength, and can do anything she wants.

"Before the Jade Bath? This name is... so familiar... When I think of it, it seems that she is the demon concubine who will eventually transform into Daji... What a waste!"

The boy in the clothes made of baboon fur buried his whole face in the clothes, but was murmuring, she heard it too, but she couldn't understand what he said, what Daji, what a demon concubine?

However, the next second when she was in a state without any defense, the boy suddenly grabbed her hand, clasped her, and started to use the sealing technique!

"Anyway, you will tempt men when you grow up. Such a beautiful and lovely body is scrapped, so... please don't grow up! Seal!"

The demonic power in her body was finally sucked away, and her body was constantly shrinking and shrinking and eventually disappearing.The last thing he saw was his face buried under the baboon's clothes.He seemed to be smiling happily.

"I finally saved a child who was about to go astray. Daji can't give anything to King Zhou of Shang, so it's better to disappear. It just so happens that you can add a little bit of the demon power consumed by separating Shenwu and Kagura..."


The consciousness before the jade bath was constantly disappearing, but at this moment her heart was full of resentment.

Why, why seal her?

For some strange reason, it's too much... She gathered these demon powers to break through and finally reach the realm of the Nine Tails. Can he understand the hardships involved?


Why seal her up!He also stole her magic power!


Hate, she hates him!

Such an insult to her feelings!

But she couldn't feel it, and the seal sealed her consciousness.until……

Devouring a lot of demon power, she recalled the moment she broke through the seal.

No matter how many years have passed, she will never admit her mistake, this young man who appeared in front of her is the one who saved her and sealed her and now appears in front of her again!

She hates him.

Hate that he doesn't understand her.

Hate is so deep, love is so deep.

She, who was defeated by him again, and who was in his arms, couldn't restrain herself from breathing the breath that belonged to her. She had been waiting for this day for too long.

The opposite of hate is love.

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