Riding a bicycle is different from sitting on my brother's bicycle without supporting anything but relying on myself to maintain balance. After sitting on my boyfriend's bicycle, Aihuajiang directly passed her thin hands through her boyfriend's waist without any concealment. , the whole face is attached to her boyfriend's back.

The place they were going to was a blooming sunflower garden.

That splendid place.

This is the request of Aihua classmates.It's fine if it's a romantic location, but this girlfriend has terrible thoughts.

The most evil classmate Aihua has a very bad character and requires Yagami Yue to wear her sun hat before agreeing to kiss him.

Otherwise, nothing will be discussed, and the firstkiss will be pushed farther away.

What a bad character, it's really a shame she can think of letting a man wear a flower hat.

Aihua was standing very close to her, and the fresh breath coming from her side made people want to move.

Touched by her pale blue beautiful sentimental yet striving for optimism eyes.Ye Shenyue admitted that he was moved.

Hats or something... it's not bad to wear them.

With a creak, she grabbed her girlfriend's arm with one hand, and Ye Shenyue pushed Aihua directly to the ground. This was a green lawn surrounded by sunflowers. The tip of her nose came from her girlfriend. The sunflowers and the fresh turf fused together as if It is the breath of deadly poison.

The other's eyes were staring at him, staring at him.

His expression remained motionless.

not talking.

His body was slowly pushed up, his face was pushed up slowly, and his girlfriend closed her eyes.

Then there is the feeling of wanting to do it again.

"It's so tough that you want to push someone down... Xiaoye Shenyue, your courage has become too big... Next time I won't let you kiss..."

5 minutes later, the girl who was let go by her dissatisfied boyfriend gently touched her pink lips that had been ravaged for a long time, and then said as if she was angry.

This is the girl's anger.

It's just how real this anger is. In the days to come, Yashenyue will know the most. Although Aihua used a package ticket to prevent Yashenyue from kissing her so easily, but with the first Once, so the second and third time will be far behind?

Whether it was going to the aquarium, under the bridge, or even on the snack street, Yagami Yue kissed her more times than her hands could count.

Therefore, what Aihua said is a complete lie.Unable to verify the facts.

Dating for 3 months and [-] days.

This day is Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day is the lover's favorite holiday, but also Ye Shenyue's favorite day.

Because this day was the best day for classmate Aihua, and compared with the bad days of other days, she was a little more girlfriend-like on this day.

Not only that.

This day is also Ye Shenyue's birthday.

No matter what, Aihua had to come to Yeshenyue's house in person.

He was the only one in the house.

As long as the love flower sauce comes, then it becomes solitude, yes, solitude.

Since kissing, Aihua-san has become conservative, and really doesn't let her go any further than kissing and holding hands.

Perhaps this is an opportunity.


This is the sound of knocking on the door. Aihua doesn't have the key to this house yet.

So this person can only be classmate Aihua.

It's really Aihua. Today's Aihua is still so beautiful. Ye Shenyue opened the door and let her in. Aihua said that this is not the first time that he has been at home, and the number of words is only less than the number of times he has visited her house. So many times.

So Aihuajiang quickly found Yashinyuki's room.


Aihua looked at the towel on Ye Shenyue's head and said in surprise, and at the same time grabbed Ye Shenyue's wrist with one hand.

She wasn't holding him, she was feeling his pulse.

Aihua is the magician of the Jueyuan Garden. She possesses powerful magic power. In her eyes, how could Yeshenyue, who has always been in good physical condition, become afflicted with disease so quickly?

"I'll help you... go to bed and rest first."

Aihua is still a girlfriend after all, and she still cares about Ye Shenyue at this time.

Of course, the premise is that when she was searching just now, she found that Ye Shenyue's pulse was really weak, and the cold or something really didn't look like a fake.


It was just that she had just touched the bed, but Aihua was pushed down by Ye Shenyue.

Pressed down by him.

At this moment, Aihuajiang touched Ye Shenyue's wrist again, and the pulse she sensed was normal and could no longer be normal.

In other words, Ye Shenyue is pretending to be sick!

The purpose is to trick her into the bed and push her down!

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