"I didn't expect that your courage is getting bigger and bigger... Even pushing and knocking things down can be done first without changing face..."

This sudden development of God brought a smile on the face of the classmate Bu Po, yes, it was a smile.

The evil love flower sarcastically.

"It's all Aihuajiang's fault... Who told you to let a normal boyfriend always stay alone when he needs it? Do you know how tormenting it is for me?" Although now he has successfully restrained Aihuajiang , but Ye Shenyue is not sure if she will refuse.

After all, the other party is a woman with a very bad character.

If you don't take the initiative, you really can't tell when the other party will obediently fulfill the task of girlfriend.

"I know that boys are like this..."

Aihua let out a long sigh, "But...maybe...ma...three months might be long enough...I wanted to give it to you in another three months..."

Aihua reached out and touched Ye Shenyue's face, "I don't know much about this kind of thing... Later... Please be gentle... I have no experience either."

She is inexperienced, but Ye Shenyue is already experienced.

Ye Shenyue was surprised that Aihua compromised so easily.

It's just a surprise.

Girlfriend really has the demeanor of a girlfriend.

After half an hour.

Wearing a pure white sheet, Aika leaned directly into Yagami's embrace. Her hand was not on the quilt, but was so strong that she slapped the sheet under the sheet? She put the special pistol in the inner pocket of her clothes, put on the bulletproof vest, and looked in the mirror before going out. The girl who has become completely independent from today is a little satisfied and a little excited.

Although at Butei High School, she had already released and even dealt with a lot of commissions, but now she is still a little nervous, because this is the first and biggest commission she received after graduation.


It's like a bodyguard!

Let a Butei just protect a person?

It's too big to be useful!

Their Butei is a noble profession, sometimes even more noble than the police, and sometimes they can even go beyond some rules.

So to say that Butei, who should be doing more important tasks, is just to protect one person...that's just overkill.

Her current rank is A*, and there are only about 200 in the world, so her status and rank are here.

It is here that he was chosen to be a bodyguard.

Because the person she wants to protect needs someone of this level to protect.

Butei, rank A* and above and... female.

That's the request!

Now, Kanzaki Kanae, a graduate, has an important protection mission.

Standing at the gate, looking at the winding and elegantly decorated path, Kanzaki-san felt a little helpless. Sure enough, the person he was protecting was not simple. Just by looking at the terrifying scale, the whole family was like It is the size of an island, how rich are the people here?

Kanzaki-san sighed helplessly as he looked up at the words "Sanzen-in" inlaid with gold written on the side.

The Sanzen-in clan can almost control the Japanese clan.

She was actually drawn by such a family.

But the person who must be defended by a female Butei must be a man, right?

She heard that there are some dirty places in the upper class. For example, in order to strengthen the genes of the family, she chooses women with good genes for the male heirs, and then promotes the union of the two. Will she also encounter such a plot?

Kanzaki Kanae frowned slightly, but at this moment a magnetic voice came from behind her to be precise.

So fast!

Kanzaki-san immediately turned around and saw the boy who was standing behind her.

He was wearing a neat black housekeeper's uniform, with a lazy and helpless expression on his face, as if he had suffered some kind of torture.

He smiled at her with a kind, heartwarming smile.

"You're the Butei Kanzaki Kanae who came from afar... Please come this way... Please follow me to see the eldest lady."

It is indeed a warm smile, as if you can calm down in the other party's smile.And the other party's smile seems to be... with a little something else, such as surprise.

Are you surprised by her appearance?

Kanae-san is still very confident in her appearance.

Moreover, the other party seems to be very good looking.

It is said that beauty cannot be seen only on the outside, but if the other party is really good-looking, it is also seductive.

Kanae-san thinks she is not a nympho, but she is also tasteful.

For example, this young man is very good now.

Her gentle and elegant temperament, with her transparent eyes as a scholar, is indeed very attractive to little girls.

As a qualified Butei, you shouldn't ask too many questions, it would be rude, but Kanae-san, who was still a novice, still asked.

"That... Excuse me... who are you?"

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