Extra!The Dark Holy Grail of the Golden Branches

Chapter 0001 The signs of hard work Shirou and the Holy Grail (one more subscription)

A bar in Fuyuki.

"I'll ask you to Shirou today too."

"I'm really sorry for making you take my class again. You are such a good person."

The two young people said to a slightly thin boy with short red hair, the young man smiled, "It's not a big deal anyway."

He can't remember how many times this is to replace a friend's class. He works here and his colleagues always like to have some things for him to do more. It stands to reason that this is bullying, but he doesn't think so. Kiritsugu took the stick to become a partner of justice, so he should persevere. If he was saved by his father, he must save more people.

So these things are no big deal.

Because he is Emiya Shirou who wants to be a partner of justice and wants everyone to be happy.

Say goodbye to the bar owner. He will finish his work today and go home. It is not easy to walk at night. He is the only one. The street lights are also on and off from time to time, with a terrifying atmosphere.

Shirou walked forward with his right hand pressed against his schoolbag. He was used to walking, so he was not afraid.

"Ha ha……"

However, at this time, there was a crisp girl's laughter.

Then the coyote looked up and saw a little girl who looked like a snow elf walking down a little bit with such graceful steps, she really looked like a little princess.

She brushed shoulders with him and slowed down slightly, the girl's voice came over, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, "Illya has grown up, so big brother be careful, even if there is no blood relationship, Ili Ya... I want to kill the big brother even more."

The thin cherry lips of such a cute girl actually said such a terrible thing.


Emiya Shirou turned back immediately, but the little girl in the purple robe and purple hat had passed him by the time he concentrated and the other party had disappeared.

"Is it... hallucination? Must be working too hard... Go back quickly, Sister Fujimura is still waiting for me at home."

The coyote shook his head. He had almost become neurotic over the years.

Fujimura is his father Emiya Kiritsugu's friend and his teacher, and his father asked her to take care of him. She is a carefree person and everyone calls her a tiger!

He went to school during the day, worked part-time at night, and then went home to eat Sister Fujimura's appalling meal... So to put it bluntly, Sister Fujimura was cooking and he was going back to cooking.

This is his day.

Emiya Shirou's day, but it seems that daytime life makes him more concerned.

"Oh...isn't this Shirou? It's so early today?"

The speaker was a young man with blue hair. The young man looked like a good young man. This was his friend Matou Shinji.

"No, I just want to come early once in a while."

I somehow woke up early in the morning and couldn't sleep, so I went to school early.He had an uneasy feeling.

"Oh, so... I thought you came to see Tohsaka Rin too."

An obsessed look appeared on Shinji's face. Shirou Emiya knew that Rin Tohsaka was the eldest lady of the Tohsaka family. It was said that Shinji was a family of magicians, but it seemed that something had happened. However, his sister-in-law Matou Sakura seems to have unpredictable magical powers.

Speaking of Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura, they are sisters again. Although they have different surnames for some reason, they are real sisters, because Tohsaka Rin once warned him in person, "Keep away from my sister Sakura."

This made Shirou very embarrassed, because it seemed that it wasn't him who wanted to pester Matou Sakura, but the other party was pestering him, but it wasn't actually pestering because the other party didn't do anything, just looked at him. His scalp was numb and he felt the sweat on his back!

And it's one day of the year that's even worse, staring at him almost all day.

That gaze made people feel full of hatred and malice, what did he do to her so that she would... hate him?It's a sight that makes the scalp tingle and stabs in the back.

Yes, as it is now.The sight that makes people cold and sweaty behind.

When Shirou turned his head, he saw a girl with blue hair and pure blue eyes, holding a schoolbag in both hands.

"Please stay away from my sister, Emiya Shirou."

With graceful steps, she grabbed her schoolbag with one hand and caressed her long, sloping hair casually with the other, said the Tohsaka family's eldest lady.


Shirou didn't know what to say, but he didn't do anything.But still bite the bullet and shout, "Morning!"

And his friend Matou Shinji also showed a smile, "Good morning, Rin! And Sakura!"

The eldest lady of the Tohsaka family gave a faint glance at the handsome young man, "Good morning, and...don't call me Rin so affectionately, you can call me Tohsaka."


And Matou Sakura didn't pay attention to this blue-haired boy at all, even though they had the same surname, but she was the head of the Matou family and Matou Shinji was just a branch.

Besides, Sakura's impression of the Matou family has always been the bad image of squirming bugs [-] years ago, so there is nothing wrong with this young man who has become a little sunshine without the restraint of the dirty inkstone old man. good expression.

Then he glared at Emiya Shirou with deep malice.


The attitude is getting worse and worse. I don't know that the coyote, who is accustomed to being stared at, sees Shinji's hard-working performance. At this moment, he feels a little relieved and seems to think that someone can understand his injury...

But Shinji was still obsessed.

A girl like that is definitely not something they can provoke in their generation.

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