The coyote shook his head.Then get ready to go to the classroom.

And Rin, who was at the front, didn't have any desire to bully Shirou Emiya.She frowned slightly and looked at Sakura, "Sakura, are you really going to bully that Emiya Shirou?"

She also bullied Shirou Emiya, but after a casual investigation, she has no desire to bully. This guy doesn't have any disgusting and angry expressions whether he is bullied or what. He is like a good gentleman, making her feel that bullying him is her. wrong.

The eldest lady of the Tohsaka family came to bully a little boy?It doesn't seem to have a good reputation...

"Of course, Dad said he hated this Emiya Shirou."

Sakura turned her head slightly and showed a normal calm expression, "Or... Rin, you don't listen to your father anymore?"

"Well...of course not."

Rin immediately shook her head and sympathetically punched out of her body.

"Well, hopefully the Holy Grail will succeed this time."

Rin added.

ps: This is the first update.The episode won't be too long.

Chapter 0002 The summoning of Illya and Mordred (two more subscriptions)

Holy Grail?

Why is there still a Holy Grail?

Isn't it already destroyed?

In the castle of Einzbern, a little girl who looks like a snow elf is lying on the ground and drawing a magic circle. She uses colored chalk, just like a child's graffiti, using different colors in a row, full of childishness But it also had a faintly dignified atmosphere.

"Illya? Is this really okay?"

Beside her is a girl in T-SHIrt and skinny jeans, with red eyes and long hair the color of fire.The long hair poured down, showing the charming charm of a girl.

She frowned slightly and looked at the little girl's actions with a sense of distrust.

"Of course, Illya took her father's universal card and made a wish that no matter what magic circle she used, she could summon a servant."

Although the little girl was smiling, the smile was frosty, "And now Illya has grown up but Dad still hasn't come back, Mordred, don't you think we shouldn't "actively" let us go outside? Is the "stray" father back?"


Why is this term used?How much resentment this must be!

Mordred rolled her eyes, but years of experience told her that the "sister" at the moment was a little abnormal, so it was better not to worry about it.

"However, since you have already made a wish, Illya, it's fine as long as you make a wish to bring your father back. Why do you have to hold the Holy Grail War? If there is no Holy Grail War, wouldn't it be possible to get your father back sooner?"


The girl with silver hair and burning eyes snorted softly, "Mordred, you still don't understand."

The girl really wants to complain.After all, no matter who sees it, she will think that she is the elder sister, and the petite Illya is the younger sister!However, a slip of the tongue that year has become the current cup.

It's just that Illya at this moment continued, "The more precious something is, the less interesting it is if you can get it back without paying a price. Only after putting in countless efforts and getting rewards is what makes people happy. If Wouldn't it be boring to let Dad come back so easily? That's why I set up this Holy Grail, and only those who have experienced the test of the Holy Grail can get Dad. Don't you think it's great?"

"I see."

Mordred nodded, and it seemed that Illya was quite reasonable.


However, the Snow Elf girl slightly increased her tone, "But this world already has the twin girls of the Tohsaka family as a lesson for God to know if Illya has any other sisters! So the Holy Grail that Illya wishes for is only with Illya. Liya's blood-related sisters and sisters can participate unconditionally, whether it is a master or a summoned servant, but Illya really wants to meet them..."

At this moment, the girl smiled like a pure elf, and there was a coldness hidden in such a cute and lovely smile.This is the girl who can decide a life and death with a smile on her face.


The red-haired girl was speechless, and her intuition told her that the last sentence was actually Illya's true words!It must be so!Illya, are you thinking of killing all the other sisters!

The valiant red-haired girl who looked indomitable suddenly shuddered, she felt... a little cold.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll give it a try."

Watching Illya continue to draw the magic circle, Mordred also hurried to draw the magic circle, but what he thought in his heart was that he hoped that Illya would not summon any sisters or sisters, otherwise the spells would be summoned in her hands. Aren't your sisters and sisters going to die?

Perhaps Mordred's prayer was granted, and when she also drew the magic circle, the magic circle drawn with colorful chalk on Illya's side exploded with a powerful wind that made even the heroic spirit Mordred also temporarily covered his eyes with his arms, and when the strong wind dissipated, he saw a tall man standing at least [-] meters tall in the center of the magic circle. With a large mace, the whole person gives the feeling of a real warrior.



"BerSErker has come in obedience to my lord's orders."

The warrior bowed and knelt down with great respect, while Ilya pouted slightly, her cheeks bulging.

Certainly a little lost.

Mordred's heart skipped a beat. Sure enough, if it was an elder sister or a younger sister who was summoned, then Illya would definitely use the Command Spell, what's up with them...

But obviously this is not the time to worry about others. Her magic circle also burst into a pale white brilliance. A small figure appeared in the center of the magic circle. It was a little girl with long double ponytails. The little girl The body shape is very similar to Illya's, but her big eyes are open, and when she looks at Mordred and is about to say something, her whole body shoots out like a cannonball and disappears in the blink of an eye.

It disappeared very quickly like a meteor.

"Uh... Illya, what is this... what's the situation?"

Mordred's eyes widened as he looked at his SErvant who had fled far away. This situation was too sudden. The sentence "XX obeyed my lord's order?"

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