Why did it run away all of a sudden?

"Let me see……"

Illya walked around the magic circle drawn by Mordred like a little adult and said, "Mordred, you are such an idiot, the magic circle is not completely drawn, the most rounded place. Why is a corner missing? Your SErvant must have been teleported to other places for this reason, and it seems to be in the city."


Illya stood on BerSErker's shoulders, "Mordred, if that's the case, then we'll go to the city to help you find it, your SErvant should still be available."

Still usable?How cruel is that word?

In fact, it is true to show off to the second daughter of the Tohsaka family.

But looking at Ilya's excited expression, Mordred pouted and followed.

Chapter 0003 How many people are lost? (three more for subscription)

Today's Shirou Emiya always felt that something was wrong all over his body, and he had done work for several people as usual. He said goodbye to the boss as usual. When he was walking on the road, the cold feeling seemed to be ignited and became even more terrifying.

Could it be that what will happen today?

Thinking of the danger, Shirou suddenly remembered the man covered in blue armor. When his father Emiya Kiritsugu was still alive, the strength of the man in blue armor penetrated into his heart.

At that time, the man in blue armor told him that he could be summoned if necessary.


Is this possible?Although he is a family of magicians, he is only a little talented in projection and the others are too weak.

The speed of the coyote, who was hiding something in his heart, suddenly slowed down a lot.

"Clap clap clap..."

However, at this time, a small sound came into his ears, which seemed to be the sound of footsteps. The footsteps were unstable, as if they were going to the left and then back to the same place and then to the right.

be lost?

Emiya Shirou stepped forward and saw a cute, petite little girl with golden double ponytails, with a depressed expression on her little face, she was very puzzled why she blinked when she was just playing games at home. It appeared in a magic circle?I just saw a girl with red hair and red eyes, but she seemed to be flying up, and when she opened her eyes again, she found herself in the alley.

This is a very, very unfamiliar alley, and I have never been there before.

"Are you OK?"

The coyote finally saw the owner of the footsteps, a little girl with blond hair.Watching the poor little girl and the good old man who looks like a lost coyote start the mode, "Are you lost?"

As he said that, he reached out his hand.

It was a friendly gesture but the little girl misunderstood.

She has a different mindset from her peers, "Are you going to kidnap me too?"

While speaking, the little girl screamed, and the coyote felt bad for a moment. He suddenly felt that he had become extremely sinful.

"Absolutely not like this..."

He just wanted to help her.

But at this time, a figure appeared uphill, it was Miss Tohsaka Rin, who was taking a boring walk after dinner, and she also had a pair of ponytails with arrogance and disdain on her face, "Shiro Emiya, I really misread you, actually thinking Take action on such a small girl."

"Tohsaka...it's not like that."

The worst thing the poor coyote can't do is explain, but Tohsaka Rin, who was hesitant, walked up to the blond girl with two ponytails and stretched out his hand, "Tohsaka Rin, who is also the manager of this city, if you get lost You can follow me if you want."


The blond girl with two ponytails nodded, she felt kindness and kindness from this girl who also had two ponytails, "My name is Sanchiinin Nagi."

"Well, Tohsaka Rin."

The two exchanged names and then walked away like this. At first, they reached out their hand just to show their goodwill and the coyote was left far behind.

"This...what the hell is going on!"

He scratched his head quite helplessly.

"Hey hey hey...that red-haired one!"

However, at this time, a voice suddenly came from the alley on the left. It was the voice of a cute girl, and then the coyote saw a girl with orange double ponytails coming out. She looked very cute, but she was in a mood at the moment. It doesn't seem very good.

"Do you know where this is?"

she asked directly.

"The urban area of ​​Fuyuki City and here is..."

"No, I don't understand what you said anyway, so do you know where there are peach buns?"

The cheeks of the girl with two ponytails swelled up, just chasing a prisoner and came to this inexplicable place unexpectedly. Could she have crossed?But now I'm so hungry... If only Ye Shenyue were here, he would definitely prepare peach buns...

There was a hint of longing in the girl's red eyes.

"Peach Mantou... turn left then go straight and then turn right... um..."

The coyote has not finished speaking, but the other party has already walked away like a fly, ignoring him at all, what the hell is going on!

All of a sudden, it was dark, and a figure fell in the sky. This was a girl with blue hair. She was equipped with amazing armor, like a robot, but she was so real.

"Excuse me, may I ask you to see a double ponytail with orange-red hair just now?"

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