When did the three thousand loli, who were almost ignored, see such a terrifying picture?In her eyes, this dark giant was more terrifying than the kidnappers who wanted to kidnap her.No guns in hand are scarier than guns.

"Ye Shenyue... Come and save me..."

Sanqian stood at the outermost and was most affected by Ber SErker's roar, she squatted with her head folded and muttered in her mouth.

It was not loud but everyone present heard it.

"Ye Shenyue?"

The two forces stopped, Illya smiled softly, "As expected, only Illya's elder sister or younger sisters can participate in this Holy Grail. I didn't expect even the younger sister from another world to bring it."

Actually, I'm older than you.

Sanqinin Nagi looked at Ilya, who was almost as petite as her, but the tall and frightening giant beside her made her feel terrifying.

"Sister and sister?"

I don't know if it was an illusion that Matou Sakura's body was suddenly wrapped in a terrifying black aura and her own blue color blended together and became extremely gloomy. "This Holy Grail battle is really interesting... Dad left us and went to another world to find other girls..."

With every word she said, the momentum on her body increased by one point, and the surrounding temperature dropped by two degrees.

Frowning slightly, Ilya also noticed Sakura's abnormality. She felt that Sakura seemed to be more troublesome than Rin, but she didn't expect this girl who was ignored by her to have such skills...

"Okay, this is the end of the reminiscence, BerSErker killed this RIder for me", well, Illya still has a bit of rationality for my sisters or sisters who are related by blood, and didn't directly call to kill, just to deal with the RIder, okay Well, she didn't feel any kindness like a sister from RIder.


Sister R, who was underestimated, snorted and brushed her presence, while Sakura behind her raised her arm slightly, and the Command Spell on the back of her hand faintly glowed.

"Hey... don't fight..."

The [-], who was still very scared just now, intuitively sensed the crisis, and the already tense atmosphere became even more terrifying. "According to what you said just now, since they are all sisters or my sister or sister, since they are all family, then don't fight..."

"What are you talking about? Sister from another world, we are fighting the most sacred battle. As long as we win, we will get Dad."

"Or you don't want Dad to come back?"

Sanqianyuan was speechless when asked.Well, she also thought about it. Mom didn't know where she went. If Dad wasn't around, she would be very lonely.

"BerSErker! Strike!"

Illya couldn't wait any longer and ordered immediately, the huge mace slammed towards RIder at an extraordinary speed. The two sharp blades in RIder's hand were so small compared to the mace, they were about to be crushed. .

"Petrochemical skills!"

However, at this moment, Sakura, who was entangled in the blue-black breath, uttered a few syllables, and as her voice fell, the speed of RIder, who should have been knocked away, suddenly increased and jumped back.

"Idiot? Jumping up makes my BerSErker attack better! BerSErker..."

Snow Elf's red eyes flashed mockery but her voice stopped because of the huge changes in the field.

RIder, who was supposed to be attacked by BerSErker, suddenly pulled off his blindfold and a vast force of curse charged directly at BerSErker.

"Bah ah ah..."

With a strange breath, BerSErker's body turned into a rock little by little from his feet.

This is petrification!Medusa's strongest skill as a RIder!

"Give up resistance."

Medusa has returned to Sakura, Matou Sakura said calmly.

"You should just give up your resistance."

However, Illya still had a smile on her face, and there was no dissatisfaction at all because her hero was petrified, "Illya's BerSErker is a hero~~ With twelve chances of resurrection, you will definitely lose. !"

Following Illya's words, BerSErker, who was petrified, suddenly trembled, and then the stone attached to the surface shattered with a squeak, revealing his stout body.

BerSErker is full of blood and resurrected in place!

"It's you, Sakura, your RIder can't use petrification all the time, your mana is draining... Twice... No, you can only use petrification at most twice at a time!"

"Really? Twelve chances of resurrection seem to be very powerful..."

Said to be powerful, but there was disdain and ridicule in his tone, "But my Servant is immortal~" A red short skirt with double ponytails appeared in the darkness, "Rin!"

Sanzenin recognized this girl at once, and this girl was Rin Tohsaka who made her feel very kind.

"Let me see how powerful you are, the powerful monster! Chi Ye Mengxiang!"

As Rin walked out of her back, a barely visible figure suddenly rushed to BerSErker's front. BerSErker was just blocking it with a mace, but the other party directly bombarded his mace with his fist, you know that But a mace of hundreds of pounds, ordinary people can only turn into meat sauce when touched, but now it shattered in half when it collided with the opponent's fist, and the fist just stopped a little and hit BerSErker directly. chest.


Illya screamed and BerSErker finally steadied herself once.

Chapter 0006 Aria's Chong Gong Zhenna participated in the war (two more subscriptions)

"Who are you? Are you also Illya's sister?"

Looking at the silver-haired girl who could almost surpass Ber SErker in strength, Illya, who was also the silver-haired girl with eyes, immediately felt a familiar feeling on the other side. Those who have this feeling can only be relatives other than relatives. .And she still has silver hair and scorching eyes, just like her...

The favorability of Miss Vampire in Illya's heart suddenly skyrocketed.

Slightly frowning, the tall and explosive girl did not speak. The faint light fell on her body and everyone saw her appearance.

The waterfall-like long hair poured down, the wine red clear and pure eyes, and the slightly cold and arrogant nobility and temperament.

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