The perfect combination of handsome, ruthless and powerful.

This is the powerful monster vampire!

Scarlet Night Fragrance.

"That bastard's father!"

The next head of the Tohsaka family was immediately annoyed when he heard this. Sure enough, the people who can participate in the Holy Grail battle are all people related to that guy?She was obviously summoned by SErvant from another world, but now she is likely to be her own sister. That is to say... that guy's promised solo trip for more than ten years is actually to give birth to a daughter?

"I think he's an asshole too."

The gloomy blue-haired girl Matou Sakura nodded slightly, and her SErvant had put on the blindfold again, as if she didn't need the "petrification skill" for the time being.

"No no no... I think his people are not bad..."

Compared to the crowd, the blond and long double ponytail loli whispered, but what she was thinking about in her image was the scene where the other party hugged her and accompanies her.


It was only after being suddenly swept away by the blue-haired girl's eyes, Sanqianyuan Nagi immediately stopped talking, and the cold sweat on her back broke out again.She squeezed her hands tightly, wanting to escape from here... It's terrible to be with such a sister.


However, at this time, Chi Yemengxiang became alert, and then caught a glimpse of a slightly trembling figure behind the telephone pole.


Illya is always so understanding, and shot when Rin frowned.


The mad wild giant suffered a loss from the vampire just now. Now he has the opportunity to perform, he immediately shot. The half mace in his hand immediately shot and made a "boom", hitting the long white telephone pole, and the telephone pole immediately shot. It was broken in two, and a small red and white figure rolled out of the telephone pole like a hedgehog, and it was a girl with two guns on one knee.

She gritted her teeth slightly.

"It's so annoying, what kind of world is this! It's impossible to fight!"

The twin-tailed Loli immediately took out her dual guns and aimed at Illya, her voice was very tender and cute. "Although I don't understand what you guys are talking about, it's a reward for you to attack casually, open holes... open holes for me all!"

While speaking, the two-tailed Loli had already fired, and the arrogant vampire did not move, because with her eyesight, she could see that the red-haired and two-tailed Loli did not intend to kill her, and the bullet would pass through her body.

But Ilya didn't see it that way.


The barbarian immediately raised his chest to block Illya in front of him, letting the bullets set on his body making a banging sound until the opponent's bullets collapsed.

"Damn... It's the same thing as Vlad again..."

The double ponytail lolita gritted her teeth slightly and then touched her petite palm back and immediately grabbed two long knives ready to attack. She was very helpless and depressed. Why did she always encounter such people?I was so hungry and then I encountered this, where is the way to buy peach buns on the way to death...

Ye Shenyue... You bastard, your daughter is going to be chopped up and still not showing up!

The girl thought with great grief and indignation and then prepared to take the tachi to death.


The same petite and small silver-haired girl immediately snorted when she saw Aria coming forward, "I thought you were also an unknown older sister and younger sister, but you dared to attack Aria... Hmph, BerSErker! Cut her down! !"

"Wait... Archer go and help."

The eldest lady of the Tohsaka family immediately ordered, although there was another sister who didn't know her heart, she couldn't just watch the sisters kill each other like this, Rin is not the kind of black-hearted person.

Finally, Sakura... Well, I can't rely on it for the time being. At this moment, because of the emergence of a new sister, Sakura is in a state where strangers should not be disturbed if they cherish their lives.

And three thousand?She had already covered her eyes as she had no attack power.



The cannonball and the sound came at the same time, and the sound of the flying rockets falling on the huge target of BerSErker was almost drowned out by the future people's shouts, but everyone still saw the person who made the sound.

Even Aria is the same.

"What are you going to do to my Master? I can't kill her, I have to find Father Father through her!"

The one who made the sound was a cute girl, slightly taller than Riyadh, with dark blue hair, and a cute and delicate face that looked like a good child, but she was wearing a blue metal suit that showed a metallic sheen.

"Who are you? Are you also Illya's sister?"

Because of her size, Illya instantly placed the blue-haired girl in the ranks of her younger sister.

Illya asked with a slight smile, but the atmosphere in the field was extremely bad.Sakura bit her lip slightly, and the resentment around her grew more and more, Sanshenin Nagi was slightly tiptoe looking at the spammy girl who was wearing the equipment and could fly, Tohsaka Rin was slightly clenching his fists. "Sure enough? It's true that sisters are coming one by one!"


The silence in the field and the terrifying atmosphere were broken by a latecomer.

"Um... can you interrupt me for a while?"

Looking at the tense situation in the field, Mordred said carefully, although she was the oldest no matter how she looked, at this moment, she always had the feeling that she would be attacked even if she said the wrong thing.

The atmosphere in the field suddenly stagnated and then N pairs of twinkling eyes were looking at her. The twinkling was not seeing her surprise but dangerously seeing the joy of the prey.

"That...that blond ponytail looks like my SErvant..."

Mordred's voice was so low, what happened here?How could she have the urge to go home quickly?

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