"If you insist, then I don't mind beheading you. Anyway, there are no less than [-] mad three's blood on Zhenna's hands. Although they are the same person, each one is a living person. It's not scary anymore."

The blue-haired girl in mechanical armor spoke calmly about her "brilliant record" "..."

Matou Sakura didn't say anything but just stared at Mana and Mana also looked at her with her un-blackened eyes.

Ah... [-] people... and still the same person?How much resentment is this in order to kill one person nine thousand times!

Sanqian and Aria immediately stepped back and finally returned to the "blood-sucking" Moeka Chiye. Why are these sisters and sisters not normal?

But the atmosphere in the field became subtly stiff.

One faction is to keep the father in captivity, and the other is the punishment chain blackening faction.Now it's become two rivalries staring at each other and it seems that as long as anyone says a word, they will fight immediately.In the middle, the representatives of the resentment faction, Sanzenin Nagi and Aria, and the onlookers' Mordred were quite helpless.

They... Who are they provoking? They have deeply understood the essence of this Holy Grail battle... Sisters fight?Cannibalism?

Flesh and blood fly!

Ninety-nine percent of the people who were eventually swept away were the man named father.

Chapter 0008 Goal, unanimous external!Next (four more for subscription)

The two sides are still fighting.

Illya broke the hold.

"Okay, Father's punishment will be discussed later. Illya didn't come here to show off BerSErker's twelve resurrection skills."

The little girl paused and continued, "Illya is here to tell you some very important news."

In fact, it's just to show off, but because Tohsaka Rin summoned immortal vampires, it's not worth showing off.

Mordred continued to remain silent, but her mind became very clear. As for her sisters, she didn't care much. After all, she and Illya lived like this, but when she lowered her head, she saw that they were also really big. Eyes looked at her blond little loli.

A feeling that she is about to float up, this loli is so small now... I can finally be my sister.


This person is also his sister, why does he feel so disgusting.

As the natural protection radar of the twin tails was activated, Sanqianyuan Nagi immediately noticed that the other party seemed to have something to him... er, strange meaning.

Well, the eldest lady who was kidnapped all day has also developed a keen perception ability, and then she shrank slightly.Although the relationship between Master and SErvant was set by the Holy Grail War, the relationship between them would be relatively close, but at this moment, Sanqian immediately rejected each other.Although "S", who is like a magnet, met "N" and was extremely interested in her.

Forgive Sanqian, she absolutely does not understand the obsession of Mordred, who is actually an older sister but helplessly becomes a "sister".

Feeling that almost everyone's eyes were focused on her, Illya was not timid, she said calmly and gracefully, the very noble style made the Tohsaka family's eldest lady, who took elegance as her family motto, felt a lot. pressure, but still have to continue to listen to her.

"How to punish my father will be in the future. Now we have an enemy. A very powerful enemy that can hold an extremely powerful weight in my father's heart."

"Could it be that..."

Before Illya's words were finished, Rin looked thoughtful, while Sakura's body actually showed resentment, blackening, and murderous aura.It was not an illusory murderous aura, but a murderous aura that caused the surrounding temperature to drop instantly if it was real!

"Emiya Shirou."

Sakura said it almost word by word without gnashing her teeth, but she also smelled like a frozen person, "Ice...frozen...That's right, but Ilya Coco has no prizes for you."

Illya stood in a circle as usual, showing a cute little girl attitude, "Dad once told me that you must never bully Emiya Shirou, but now Emiya appears in the position where Illya allows the sisters to become masters. Shirou, what does this mean?"

"It can only be that he is also related to his father by blood, and his father specially instructed him not to touch him and take good care of him, it seems that he loves him quite a lot."

Sakura added.

Then everyone was silent for a while, and as the tallest noble vampire, he frowned slightly, "That means this Emiya Shirou must be hit?"

"Well, I finally know why my father is not by my side. It turns out that I gave all my love to this boy named Shirou Emiya. Sure enough, my father likes boys more than girls?"

"So that's how it is... No wonder Sakura said he wanted to bully this Emiya Shirou... So it's not that Sakura is broken, but that the father is too partial."

Rin found a reason for his sister's blackening.

But that's all there is to it.

In a few words, everyone thought that it was Emiya Shirou's fault that his father was not by his side and that he was not close to him, because father prefers boys?

This is... an existence that is absolutely not allowed.

"So no matter how we punish Dad, we have to get rid of this big brother first. What do you think?"

In the end, Ilya suggested.

outsider?According to Illya's understanding, Shirou Emiya is also his father's child, so he is also an outsider?

How seriously sexist is this kid?

But this sexism has become legal...

"I have no objection either."

The vampire-sama who proposed first nodded immediately.

"no disagreement."

Chong Gong Mana agreed.

"I agree."

Matou Sakura and Rin also agreed, the former had a murderous intent that had completely materialized in his eyes, while the latter clenched his teeth slightly and abandoned his reason.

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