It's all that bastard's father's fault that I've become like this, at most... If I kill the wrong person, I'll just hang it with the family's gem magic...

Thinking about the eldest of the Tohsaka family, the "killing heart" slowly filled up, and the heart called "guilt" disappeared completely.



Then there are no girls who don't nod.Anyway, everyone agrees, so I agree too.

This is Miss Mordred who follows suit.Under Illya's tune, she no longer has sovereignty.

"So... let's go out together!"

Elijah concluded.

"Tomorrow happens to be Friday, so let's start tomorrow night. Let me tell you in advance, Illya hates conspiracy and scheming people the most... You know, Rin?"

"I also hate conspiracy and tricks... No, what are you saying? Why are you targeting me? And as your sister Illya, you should call my sister honestly!"

Tohsaka Rin immediately grabbed Illya's clothes, but Illya, who had long expected, was exposed.

It's just that her face can't even deceive three thousand.

who is it?Directly ordering BerSErker to cut down his own sister?Who gave the order to die calmly?

There's no one else but her!


The coyote on the other side, who was in deep sleep, suddenly stiffened, and cold sweat broke out from his back, as if he had dreamed of something bad.

"It's so cold..."

The coyote babbled.

ps: This is just a sideshow. Not all girls are blackened. The "killing" plan you see is just an appearance.

Chapter 0009 The reappearance of golden glitter

The girls' "gathering" really responded to the sentence "Go to each family to find their own mother." After hurriedly speaking, they quickly assigned accommodation. After all, Sanqianyuan Nagi was Mordred's srvant, so he followed Illya went back to Einzbern together, and Aria originally wanted to live in Rin's Tohsaka house, but her SErvant Takamiya Mana was very different from Matou Sakura, so I had to follow Iri too. Ya has returned to Einzbern.

The only one left in the Tohsaka House was Moeka Chiye, who was summoned by Rinxin.

The girls left in piles and sorted out. The rest of the time was almost a whole night of "chattering" with each other. The name is "chat". In fact, it was also collecting "information", such as "What is Ye Shenyue doing with you?"

"Is your mother beautiful?"

"Did he hook up with other women when he already had your mother?"

And "Is there really any monsters besides humans who hook up?"

information like this.

Then, in the Tohsaka Mansion, a certain blue-haired girl spoke terrifying words in a calm, undulating tone.

"So that's the case, it turns out that the nature of the father is so despicable, but it seems that it is too easy punishment to be chained. His body should be completely dismantled and divided into pieces, but it will not die just like this. When the performance is good, I will put on his arms and thighs a little bit..."


RIder, who was standing next to Sakura, was silent, but what she was thinking was that Sakura could really do this?If it was really dismantled and assembled like a machine like this, would that person named "Father" still have the desire to live?

If that "father" survived by chance, then the relationship between him and his daughter seems to be reversed. It is not the father who controls the daughter, but the daughter who controls the father.

It looks so good, it must be very happy.

The tip of the tongue slid slightly across the corner of the lips with a slight bloodthirsty arc.

Well, this Medusa is not normal either. Sure enough, there are any kind of masters and what kind of SErvants!

Compared to the dark and terrifying Tohsaka House, Einzbern is a little more "lively".

Irisviel, the actual owner of Einzbern, who had not shown any signs of aging in the past ten years, first looked at Aria, Takamiya Mana, and Sanzenin Nagi who appeared in front of her with one hand on her chin.

The three little guys also looked at this standard married lady nervously.

"Hey... that means you're all illegitimate daughters of my husband outside, right?"


It seems that Eliya from your family here is the illegitimate daughter, right?This mother is indeed Illya's biological mother.Their identities can be denied as soon as they speak.

How much the girls want to complain, but Nai He is now in someone else's territory, so he nodded his head in different arcs.

Then the beautiful wife squatted half-squatting and stretched her arms so wide that she almost covered them all.

"Anyway, you are welcome to this world."

The brilliance of motherhood reminded them of their mothers.

I don't know what's going on, but it seems to be fine.

The three little guys who finally had a place to live looked at each other and could see the slight excitement in each other's eyes. They were all alone in their own world, but now they have found a lot of sisters, from only daughters to two. Female households, three female households...N female households.

It feels... so subtle.

On the other hand, the girl with the longbow and arrows was in a hotel worriedly. Fortunately, she had money on her body, otherwise she would really have to sleep on the street, but... What the hell is going on in this place?How come there is both a monster's breath and a gloomy breath?

Is it a polluted city?

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