The coyote came to the class.

Then came the most tormenting moment.

The beautiful and noble girl with silver hair and burning eyes appeared.

"Classmates, today we are going to introduce a transfer student, Chi Ye Mengxiang, Chi Ye is a foreigner, so please take good care of her~~" a teacher with glasses introduced and continued, "The seat... um, Just sit behind the Emiya."


The ballpoint pen in his hand fell unconsciously, the coyote was still in a daze, but the class had already exploded.

"Why...why is Emiya? Emiya is so lucky... It's obvious that Tohsaka is on the right, and now there is a beautiful woman behind..."

"I really want to switch seats with him!"


One after another sound.


The teacher patted the table, "One more thing, because of the exchange relationship between the exchange classes, our class has to exchange students with other classes."

Exchange classes?what is this?

Generally speaking, aren't all exchange students exchange students from schools to schools?

"We're going to exchange %%% with Matou Sakura from class [-] based on the results. Well... exchange for a day. Let's see how it works."

%% is Emiya Shirou's basic friend in the same club and sitting on the right of Emiya Shirou, and now... if he wants to leave, that is...

Matou Sakura is going to sit on his right!

Gently stroked her long blue hair, the lovely girl walked over gracefully.


"It's so unfair!"

"Why did you choose Emiya..."

The class exploded again, the voices one after another, envy, jealousy and hatred directly exploded.

"Please advise."

Matou Sakura came over and glanced at him and said in a neutral tone, but the coyote felt extremely cold, like being in an ice cellar.

Originally, one left, one right, and then behind a place that was as beautiful as being surrounded by beautiful girls and excited the sultry little virgin, but now...

Uh...what's up with that piercing sight?And what happened to the transfer student after this transfer student?

Acupuncture and volt attack, malicious and malicious as well as killing intent.

This is this...

The coyote's heart was full of bad feelings.

Matou Sakura on the left... Well, this one is always staring at him and has nothing to say, but Tohsaka Rin doesn't have the habit of staring at him, why is it like this now?And what happened to the surging eyes behind him?Isn't it said that foreign friends are very friendly?Why... are you still staring at him?

Don't dare twist your neck in class all day long.

Who can tell him... what the hell is going on!

ps: After all, the short story will end soon. Thank you for your continued support. Sub-period is very grateful.

Chapter 0011 The fleeing coyote



The arrow that slid past almost wiped his scalp, and suddenly a cold sweat broke out from behind. Shirou Emiya stared blankly at the blue-haired girl who was still in the archery posture. The girl was wearing a bow and arrow. The department's clothes are spread out, and the shoulders are slightly raised, and the fingers are still attached to the bow and arrow, still maintaining the action of archery.

In other words, the arrow just now was shot by her!

"I'm very sorry, but the minister has been tired recently, so he shot crookedly and missed the target. You should stand farther away. It's too dangerous to stand here."

A member of the staff immediately ran over and apologized to Emiya Shirou.The sincerity of the tone and the right attitude make it easy to believe.


This, this... this is not very scientific!

As the head of the bow and arrow department, even if the arrow misses the target, he can't leave a dozen meters away!There is still such a long distance... How much effort did she use!

"'s okay, I'll leave soon."

But the character of the old man was activated again, Emiya Shirou scratched his head and walked to the other side, he had to go out and work tonight.

"Master wants me to get rid of him while others are not paying attention?"

The blue-haired Miss Sakura Matou was expressionless, but there was a wave beside her. It was her heroic RIder.

RIder saw Emiya Shirou... well, the person who everyone wanted to attack was walking into the woods, so he suggested.

"No, let's do it at night. It's useless to solve it too quickly, and it can't calm the resentment in my heart. Since Dad is so fond of this "son", isn't it very etiquette to treat him so badly? Our plan is to 'clean' him at the end."


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