RIder nodded, and it was really interesting to torture the scarred one more time.

At this time, the staff respectfully handed over the new arrow, held it, held it steady, and finally released it.


The arrow quickly flew out of the red dot directly towards the target.

Hit the bullseye and the bullseye was shot through.

"The Minister is great!"

The eyes of a group of members are sparkling again, how could such an archery... miss the target!

crack shot! ...

Just when the coyote was in school, another girl was searching the Internet for information at a high speed, and then she was extremely depressed to find that this world was very different from the world she was in.


Can such a thing exist?But... it's normal for even monsters to appear as magic.


The girl walking around the city streets finally frowned slightly as she looked at the towering holy church from a distance, she... felt the smell of blood.

As a church represented by holiness, it actually smells bloody?

This is how the same thing?That eerie feeling.

The girl secretly took heart, clenched the bow and arrow in her hand and stepped back. Let’s go and fill your stomach first, and then we’ll find out later at night…


After finishing the work and saying goodbye to the proprietress, Shirou Emiya felt that the flustered feeling was even stronger today, so he speeded up on the way back, but he suddenly stopped.

A gigantic figure under the dimly lit street lights blocked his direction. It was a man with extremely strong muscles...

The coyote secretly compared his own height and couldn't even reach the other's chest...

How the hell did this get eaten like this?

These are psychological complaints that Coyote didn't say because he saw a teenage girl.

"Big brother... We meet again~~" The silver-haired girl stood on the shoulders of the giant and looked down at him, "Illya is really happy to see that big brother is still alive... Since Before they can do anything, Illya will come, BerSErker! Slash him!"


The giant roared and raised his huge mace with a piercing sound and swept straight at him.

How could anyone give death orders while laughing!

The coyote hurriedly complained and then moved forward desperately. Staying in place will only turn into meat sauce. These years, he has not lived in vain, and he has also been trained one after another by his father!

"Clap clap..."

The coyote jumped straight ahead and made a lazy donkey roll. It was able to escape the blow from the giant. Sweeping, the coyote lay on the ground and then showed a nervous color.

Just now... I was almost killed!


Is this the Holy Grail Battle?

The nervous coyote rolled in a circle and immediately ran forward in embarrassment. Although he knew it was the Holy Grail battle, he had no plans to hurt Illya. He was really a good man.


However, at this time, a pair of feet in armor appeared in front of her. It was a girl in black armor, with long red hair and red eyes.

"You are……"

"The one who came to stop you."

Mordred said loudly, it stands to reason that Illya uses BerSErker and she should use SErvant as a master, but her own SErvant...

Mordred glanced back subconsciously and saw the slightly curious Sanchiinin Nagi, who was hanging down her double ponytails to form an ordinary weak girl.

Or strike out on your own...

So she attacked as the master Mordred... and her SErvant watched from behind...


Mordred's snatch made the coyote stagnate, and then he was about to go to the left, but there was a figure on the left. It was a blue-haired girl in metal armor who was fully armed except for her face. She held it high. A bazooka, hot... hot weapon!

There are also hot weapons in the Holy Grail battle!

"You have no way out!"

The cold and biting voice came from Matou Sakura, the head of the blue-haired bow and arrow department, and in front of her was a tall, dangerous girl with long hair reaching her ankles.

Tohsaka Rin, the eldest young lady of the Tohsaka family, who has always felt that her nature is not bad, spoke, "Emiya Shirou, you are already surrounded by people, we don't want you to do anything, first of all you have to get along with your father one by one. Say it, and then show why he likes you so much."


The coyote was at a loss, "Are you talking about father Emiya Kiritsugu? What are you and her... um..."

The coyote didn't finish his words, because there was a loud noise from behind him. It was Chonggong Mana's bazooka that fired and wiped him and flew out and hit the wall. The whole wall turned into ruins and smoked.

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