"What were you talking about just now? What Emiya Kiritsugu? Our father is Yagami Yue."

"Ye Shenyue?"

The coyote struggled to find information about the man in his head.

And then...it was blank.

"I don't even know who your father is? And I don't know where he is, and I haven't seen him!"

Being stared at by N pairs of eyes and being able to say a complete sentence is not bad, so Emiya Shirou's expression was a little nervous and even his tone was a little guilty under the gaze of many eyes.

Then he was misunderstood very well and misunderstood his guilty conscience.They must have known something and deliberately didn't say it, and then they revealed it and wanted to hide it!

Do you really think they are stupid?

"Since you don't know? Are you still pretending? Attack!"


Chong Gong Zhenna's missile was already aimed at him, but this time it didn't deflect. RIder's sharp blade had already flown out in the air, shining with a cold radiance.

At the same time, BerSErker's mace also waved, and the vampire clenched his fists and prepared to attack.

It's front, back, left and right strikes!

Only attack him!

"no solution anymore……"

Emiya Shirou looked left to right and finally clenched his fists, "Lancer! Come on!"

I can't fight with these people at all, I will definitely die, and I... haven't fulfilled my promise with my father, I want to be... a partner of justice!

"Lancer! Help me!"

Emiya Shirou used the first Command Spell.

ps: Fuck, the power is off.Whether the next one is more... The author doesn't know.

Chapter 0012 Lancer's Beautiful Men's Plan

"Lancer! Help me!"

Following Emiya Shirou's shouting, the Command Spell on his arm flashed blue, and in front of the crowd, a very elegant and handsome spearman wearing blue armor and holding two spears appeared, under the corner of his eye. With a tear mole that makes women addicted to the tear mole.

Then the lancer appeared and stood in front of Shirou Emiya, holding the blue spear in his hand and preparing to fight.

Then, he saw the situation around him clearly.There are enemies everywhere!


The lancer knew that Shirou Emiya would be in danger, but... I didn't realize it would be so dangerous!

This, this... The current situation is not an exaggeration even if it is embattled on all sides!

"Hmph... It's just a lancer, I thought the big brother got some good gifts from dad~" Illya's light voice like a little princess uttered again, which made the lancer a little embarrassed.

If he was alone against these strong players, he would be able to escape even if he couldn't beat them, but now...one, two, three, four...five!

To meet these people, it's not just killing them!

Then, Lancer saw the slightly familiar red-haired king girl in a blink of an eye.

"Lancer, I didn't expect to meet again. Are you interested in joining this king's team in this situation? Your master can't escape even if he has wings, because we already have servants who can fly! So no matter what You all lose!"

Mordred spoke with a high attitude, speaking the words that separated Lancer and Emiya Shirou.

According to the current scene... It is certain that Shirou Emiya is surrounded and beaten, and the lancer is likely to be picked up as well.

"No, my RIder can fly too."

After getting the affirmation of Sister R, Matou Sakura said, and at the same time brushed her presence angrily. Of course Sister R can fly even if she has a Pegasus, so even if Shirou Emiya can fly, Sister R can stop him.


Really... the most dangerous state!

If lancer really wants to hold his head in such an environment, he will be a fart, how can he not even be a firefly with the moon and the sun?

In a difficult Holy Grail battle, five masters have joined forces... why do we still need to fight?

"Forgive Lancer for not being able to obey. I just want to protect the master well. Even death in battle is honorable."

As always, Lancer, who is infinitely loyal to the Lord, finally chose to fight, "But the Master may not necessarily lose, and I have no choice. If you want to blame...you can only blame you for being girls."

As he said that, Lancer stood up straight and let the moonlight pour down from top to bottom. The silver brilliance and the blue armor made his handsome and white face stand out even more. The most prominent one was the tear mole under his eyes. .

Looking at lancer seems like a psychedelic feeling ぉ as if... no one in this world can be more handsome than him.

The charm of lancer skyrocketed instantly!

"This...could it be..."

The coyote, who had a lazy donkey roll and escaped BerSErker's attack just now, seemed to understand. He remembered what happened in the morning. That's how Mr. Fujimura was entangled by the charm of Lancer!

Lancer unique skills!Tears mole fans · people!

lancer is using his masculine trick!

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