Seeing that everyone was silent, Lancer was slightly relieved, it seemed that the handsome man's plan had worked.

But at this time.


The mace that came from behind smashed his back fiercely!

Let Lancer turn around a few times before he gets up and then spit out a mouthful of blood, and the young man who was so good just now becomes embarrassed in an instant.

"Forgot... there's another male..."

Lancer's tone was distressed.


Lancer's tone was slightly startled, he saw all the lovely girls at this time...

There was no obsessive look in their eyes.

Not... charmed?

How can this be?

"There are still people who use the handsome man..."

"This world is really fun...but I don't think it's too handsome...not my favorite dish..."

"Well... I've never seen a man more handsome than my father..."

"I still prefer my father..."

The girls discussed at length, "I think it's so funny that a man has a mole."

"Eh... Aria, you think so too? I think so too."


Well, the emotional girls have just been silent for a while, thinking about how they will hurt him later!

Lancer almost fainted.

"Help... Is there anyone? It's terrible here..."

However, a scream came at this time. It was the voice of a young girl. She stumbled and fled here, and then everyone saw her appearance.

Long silky black hair and a school uniform different from their school's white shirt and green skirt?

Is this a high school student too?


She had bows and arrows in her hands and then behind her back came the terrifying golden swords that kept exploding on the road, and then just dodged and another batch appeared.

And behind her is chasing a very arrogant golden man who is aloof.

"That' can rob men!"

Mordred saw the golden man for a split second, and then the golden man almost fell from the sky.

What... it's called a man who can rob!


The hero king was so angry!

ps: eh... don't cut the power...

Chapter 0013 Run away!Kagome! (One more request to subscribe)

"You bastards! degrade a great king of heroes like this...what is a man who can be robbed...this king needs to correct your fundamentally wrong thinking!"

Gilgamesh, who managed to stabilize his body, burst out immediately, and the treasure of the king was activated in large quantities. Seeing countless treasures shoot out from the ripples in the air, and the strength of the sisters here is uneven, if you don't pay attention, it may be hurt them.

As for Emiya Shirou...then he deserved to be stabbed.

Whether it was intentional or not, the SErvants all blocked in front of their master and left the red short-haired coyote alone to pull the lancer who was using his beautiful man's plan.The coyote's target is very prominent and very, very easy to attack.


The lancer spat out another mouthful of blood and stood up reluctantly. He was beaten head-on by the wild giant BerSErker, and even the body of a Heroic Spirit was hard to support... It was a really knowing blow.


Mordred, who had the identities of Master and SErvant reversed, stood up, stepped on the ground hard, and then the ground cracked immediately. The little loli, Sanqianyuan Nagi, gently covered her mouth and looked at herself. ……The master showed great power.


Mordred stood up. The high-tech combination of Somiya Mana can only escape under the attack of so many weapons, while Matou Sakura's RIder...that is the flexible SErvant in such a large-scale attack It is estimated that it is also suffering, as for Tohsaka Rin's undead vampire... This seems to be powerful enough.

As for Illya's BerSErker... Although he has a giant mace, but his stature is such a big hero, the king's weapon doesn't focus on greeting him. Who is it?This is the most tragic man who is estimated to be stabbed to death in less than two minutes, even if he has eleven lives left.

This time, Arthur II felt that he...well, there was a long way to go.

The tall Miss Mordred, who had a sense of justice in her heart, stood up. She suddenly understood why her mother had drawn the sword in the stone back then. Maybe...she felt the same way.

"Actually calling yourself this king in front of this king, hero king, you are really trying to die, it seems that you haven't learned your lesson! This time I will destroy all your king's treasures to see how you can get away with it!"

After Mordred said this, Chong Gongzhen took a hard look at her. How could the tone of the second half of the sentence be so similar to hers?Are they all sisters?

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