
Then, without waiting for the King of Heroes to get angry, Mordred took out a cone-shaped stray sword with a purple-black seal that belonged to her. When the stray sword that could destroy the world appeared, the sword that the King of Heroes shot at them seemed to be attacked. In the event of a devastating attack, it directly explodes with self-destruction.

This is a stray sword, and it has such a powerful destructive power just by taking it out.

"Damn guy... This time, this king must wash away all the shame! This king is going to destroy you! Let you know that the chop is a chop and can never look up..."


The King of Heroes' golden gloved hand grabbed back and grabbed his most powerful weapon, the Deviance Sword!

It is exactly the same as the one in Mordred's hand, only the engraving is different for different owners!

"Oh...you've fully recovered."

Mordred glanced at the King of Heroes, and then showed a smile, "Since you took out the Deviance Sword again... Then I'll snatch the other Deviance Sword! The Hero King is just as my father said, People are stupid if they don’t rob more money, but sisters… who do you want?”

"Damn guy!"

The King of Heroes had already rushed out angrily, the Deviance Sword in his hand collided heavily with the Deviance Sword in Mordred's hand.

The other party... is using all his strength!

The two launched a head-to-head attack, and then the eyes of the girls behind Mordred shone brightly, and the Deviance Sword in Mordred's hand was actually taken from the golden hand!This sword...

He looks so awesome, even the vampire-sama Chi Ye Mengxiang, who is always confident in his fists... Well, there are also some moving colors, Chong Gongzhen has a look of hope, even Sanqianyuan Nagi has some Intentionally, she could see that she was the most useless. If there is such a powerful weapon... Well, it should have some value.

"These nasty guys..."

The King of Heroes is a person who can see and listen to all directions, and instantly he noticed that everyone was taking him... well, he was taken for granted!

Damn, it is bearable and unbearable, my uncle can bear it, and my aunt can't bear it!

The King of Heroes swung the Deviance Sword and brought a terrifying wind, and then Mordred also drew a powerful wind...


The huge sound, the brilliance of the gorgeous dark purple explosion was so dazzling that Kagome's familiar mushroom cloud appeared.

This, this... is this an atomic bomb?

The wide road turned into ashes as if it had been dug three feet into the ground.

"These people... who are..."

Well, Kagome, who fell to the ground just now because of dodging the attack of a sword, saw a lot of sweat on the foreheads of the King of Heroes and Mordred who were fighting recklessly.

These people... are even more powerful than those so-called big monsters!

Well, forgive this kid if the King of Heroes knew that Kagome compared him to a monster then he... um... might give up fighting Mordred directly and kill Kagome first.

Speaking of which, the reason why Kagome appeared here has to start with the fall of night.

Kagome found that the church exuded a faint smell of blood and gloom, and that was the reason why mourning souls lingered there.

Kagome, the descendant of the shrine maiden who had seen monsters and ghosts in the Warring States Period, frowned, and then slipped into the church at night.

Then I found the blood on the ground, someone... No, a lot of people were killed.

She shot the demon-breaking arrow to purify the ghosts wandering here, but it was also discovered by the black priest and Gilgamesh inside for this reason.

Then she was chased all the way here by the King's Treasure of the King of Heroes. Her 3.6 Demon Breaker Arrow was a good one, and it could destroy a dozen Noble Phantasms at once, making the King of Heroes' offensive gradually slow down.

At first, Kagome was relatively calm, but gradually she discovered that the treasure of the King of Heroes... It seemed to be endless... Well, she chose to escape!

A hero does not suffer immediate losses. If he can't escape, how can he talk about it and make a comeback?

It's just that the destruction Noble Phantasm of her dozen or so arrows made the King of Heroes very angry. He was full of resentment and now "even an ordinary mortal" can't solve his prestige...

The King of Heroes felt ashamed.

That's why they flew over to chase and kill Kagome, and that's what everyone saw.

ps: I beg to subscribe and comment.There have been few comments lately...

There is also a recent typhoon, and the update is relatively unstable. This chapter was written by the author at six o'clock...

Next Chapter The Most Dangerous Daughter

Chapter 0014 The most dangerous daughter! (Second, please subscribe)


The explosion of the huge sound mushroom cloud made the eyes dizzy.

"Are you OK?"

Rin Tohsaka, the only young lady of the Tohsaka family who did not continue to watch, came to Kagome and stretched out her hand, "Are you also from another world?"

The Tohsaka family's eldest lady asked, and then the other people who were still watching the battle that was definitely not for mortals turned their eyes over, with a burning feeling.

"Uh...thank you."

Kagome thanked her, but the sight made her feel particularly dazzling, "To you, I am indeed a person from another world."

"Sure enough."

Almost all the sisters of XN onlookers expressed such emotion.

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