"Ah... I'm so sorry... I'll just go and answer the phone. Come and see our daughter."

Ye Shenyue put her daughter... Little World on the bed, so that Yuko could touch her as long as she stretched out her hand.

"It's the company's phone call again... Your father is really busy..."

Yoko said something thoughtful, but didn't see Ye Shenyue's slightly embarrassed expression.

Because the company phone number...it's a complete lie, and those...all are lovers' calls.

Ye Shenyue only started talking when she walked to the corridor outside.

"What happened to Xiao Wu?"

Xiao Wu is a girl Ye Shenyue met by chance. She is in the same class as Yoko, and she is also a good friend of Yoko. Ye Shenyue doesn't even mention this kind of thing about his wife's friend, and Xiao Wu is also very considerate of him. So he defaulted to his identity as a junior.

But I usually only contact at night, why is it so urgent today?Is it hotter today?

"Actually...there is one very important thing..."

Xiao Wu's voice was slightly weak.It seemed like he had just gone through some great ordeal.

"I was in the same hospital as Odoriko, and then... in room 302."

Room 302?

Isn't this... on the upper floor of Odoko's ward?

Ye Shenyue ran up at once.

Then looked at Xiao Wu lying on the bed.

Then saw the baby beside her bed.

Well, it's a baby.

"This is……"

"This is our child, and I don't know that she, who was supposed to be born a month later, is actually ahead of schedule, like a race against whom..."

Xiao Wu's voice was still weak.

But full of excitement.

"I already thought of her name a long time ago. If it's a girl... it's called Setsuna. Huh... dear, what about you?"

Xiao Wu was only halfway through speaking when she saw Ye Shenyue almost fell over and said with some worry.

"No... nothing..."

A far-fetched smile appeared on Ye Shenyue's face, but only he knew the truth.

An instant... an instant.

There is already a world, is there still a moment?

"Drip drip..."

At this moment, however, the phone rang a second time.

Looking at the caller ID, it was Manami.

"Hey...husband, I have good news for you..."

Manami's voice was full of joy, "Our daughter is born... She's so cute... Would you like to come and see now?"


It's...a daughter again.

Ye Shenyue couldn't even make a fake smile on her face.

"I've already thought of a name for her, it's a cute name, you'll definitely like it..."

The child's mother on the other end of the phone was still talking.

"Could it be called Yan Ye..."

Ye Shenyue said that she was about to collapse, and he was trying to prove that it couldn't be the case.


However, the other end of the phone continued to speak in surprise, "It turns out that I really have a heart and soul to understand this kind of thing. I really called the child Yan Ye, um... Gui Yanye, a very nice name."


The phone falls to the ground.


Manami hung up the phone suspiciously, "Don't that guy like girls?"

Then he frowned slightly, "But didn't that guy say that he likes girls the most? If you have a boy, you have to raise it yourself. If you have a girl, you will raise it together..."

Or is it... a little unclear because I'm too happy?

Manami, a first-time mother, is both happy and excellent. If he is really insane, what should he do?What should I do with Yan Ye who is still in swaddling clothes?

I obviously still want to give Yan Ye another sister, and I have already chosen a name, so it's called Gui Xin...

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