Ye Shenyue walked back to Odiko's ward in despair.

Yoko saw Ye Shenyue coming in, "Are you alright? Could it be that you were scolded by your boss?"

Yoko was a little worried.

"'s okay..."

Ye Shenyue looked at her daughter on the bed and had the last glimmer of hope, "Yoko, your name is Yoneng Yuko, right? It's not a Xiyuan Temple, right..."

"Well... this... I didn't want to tell you, actually... Mom and Dad are going to get divorced, so I can only change my mother's surname, and my mother's surname is Xiyuanji... Hey... dear... What are you doing? already?"

Odoko got up nervously, but Yagami sat down.

The world of Saiyuanji...hehe...The world of Saiyuanji...

Guiyan leaves...

Ha ha……

In other words, how could such a peaceful world exist!

Then the next thing is that Yan Ye and the world's two girls will win!

He... actually has two blackened daughters.

Ye Shenyue covered her face.

"I'm like the end...everything is...the world's fault, I would never have come to this world if I knew it earlier!"

Ye Shenyue has given up on herself.

How can a blackened world hurt?

" you blame me?"

However, just when Ye Shenyue didn't know what to do, an empty voice sounded.

"Could it be's the world!"

Such familiar words, such a familiar tone... Ye Shenyue's heart was completely empty.

"how is this possible……"

How could a child so young speak.

"Because that's what I said."

However, at this moment, the whole room became shining, and figures appeared one after another.

Then the first person to walk in front of Ye Shenyue was a small loli, wearing a gray hat with two small ears, which made people want to pull it, but now the fair-skinned loli Her eyes flashed with the same crazy color as her mother.

Then the second one is the blue-haired Sakura who has grown up, "It's really been a long time since I haven't seen you, my father, my father really hasn't changed at all."

It's like a joke, but the tone of the speech makes people feel cold behind their backs.

Then came out Aria, Mordred, Kagome, Illya, Rin Tohsaka, Nagi Sanshenin, Mana, Moeka Chiye.

"Yishenyue (Father)'ve finally been found!" xN

"Which younger sister did you add to the daughters who have been waiting for your return? Even the younger brother...isn't incapable of cutting it~~" There were joyful and broken voices, and waving hands The sound of the weapon breaking through the air.

Whether it is a girl with force or a girl without force, she is a peerless master at this moment.

The girls' clear eyes were filled with flames and black things.

It was something he was very familiar with, because he had seen it from their mother... well, had seen it, otherwise he would not have escaped here.

But looking at it now... it seems that I can't escape even if I escape here.

This is the end and the beginning.

Ye Shenyue pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose for Sven, and he had already seen the end.Especially when I saw the cute daughters'... well, the kitchen knife in my hand, the butcher's knife.

This really beautiful.

Ye Shenyue lay on her back and looked at the sky in the four corners of the hospital, which was completely white. (laughs) (End of the play) ps: This is the end of the episode. If you have time, you will also fill in the "Past Memories" volume.Of course... you can also write the side story of "The Day is on Campus" that you like to see (laughs) Next is Naraku's Inuyasha, I hope you will wait and see, if you want to pull the Inuyasha volume to the end, otherwise some people may think this book The book has been written...

Conscience show! (Future Diary vs Day on Campus)

Chapter 001 It's definitely not a daughter's control!

"That's it, the Caring Home's funding has increased again this year. Children are the hope for the future, even those who are facing misfortune."

I'm not a good person but I hate being a bad person more.

"The decision is passed! Everyone has worked hard today, let the meeting go!"

The mayor, who was at the top, finally knocked on the table.

"Yes, Lord Mayor."

A choice was thus passed.

It's just that fifteen years have passed since then.

Although he didn't want to work hard, but after [-] years, the guy who didn't become a talent became the mayor, and the world was really helpless.

Ye Shenyue looked at her phone while walking out of the hall.

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